The Fixer: Chapter 2

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Within three weeks, Jongwoon and Ryeowook became close like they've been already friends for months due to Jongwoon's personality. The younger find him different—good different. He's not like any other people he interacts with that's why he feels safe acting natural to him; where you don't have to be anxious to be yourself. He's understanding and cool—exactly the kind of friend Ryeowook wanted to have.

"Oh, Ryeowook? I'm already here. It's okay, I can wait. Yep. See you later." The older hung up his cellphone and entered the cafe they usually hang out at. "That kid's not usually late... I wonder what happened."

After more than ten minutes, Ryeowook arrived with furrowed brows.

"Sorry for being late, Jongwoon. The meeting finished later than expected." he clicked his tongue then continued, "One of the attendees came in late. If it weren't for him, I'd arrive on time today." he sounded exasperated.

"Hey? I said it's fine. Why are you so worked up? Geez."

"You know I hate being late, he rolled his eyes in response.

"So? It's not like you have anything important to do after your meeting, right? Waiting for a few minutes won't hurt me."

You're important though. I don't like making you wait—Ryeowook pouted.

"Hey? Just because I got bored for ten minutes doesn't mean I'll get mad at you for being late. Chill, will 'ya?"

"Okay, okay," the younger raised both his hands in surrender.

"Okay, then! Let me tell you though: I didn't get mad nor got hurt... but I got hungry," Jongwoon winked. "So... your treat, bud," he concluded then shot the younger virtually with his gun-fingers.

For the past few weeks, they have been hanging out almost everyday after getting off from work or having lunch together whenever Jongwoon's around Ryeowook's area of work. There wasn't much progress the first two months as there weren't many opportunities for Jongwoon to push Ryeowook into doing something that's why he decided to hang out with the younger a lot than what he usually does. Just like the old saying, more entries then more chances of winning, or for this matter, more chances for him to nudge Ryeowook.

"So, how's work?" the younger inquired.

"Not much. Just stuck with designing for a complicated client," Jongwoon deadpanned.

"There's always one, huh."

"One? I encounter them every now and then but I'm used to it so it's not that big of a deal to me now," the older shrugged.

"You handle that kind of stuff well, eh?" Ryeowook said in admiration. He's not good with people but being with Jongwoon for almost a month was enough for him to know how admirable the older is.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm awesome!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, right you are," the younger answered sarcastically. Even though the younger wanted to always show affection to his new found friend, he couldn't risk it as he didn't want him to get the idea yet. They've been only friends for a few weeks, what they currently have is great and he wanted to just savor those moments with Jongwoon before he can decide whatever he's confused mind was telling him to do that might lead to something he didn't want to happen.

"One of the best!" Jongwoon winked then inquired, "Hey, how's work?"

Ryeowook learned about Jongwoon's nature of work but the older didn't share much as he's trying to avoid the younger's questions regarding almost everything. Vague and brief answers were the farthest Ryeowook got from him. Most of their conversations about Jongwoon ended in narcissistic remarks and jokes just so he can avoid the topic. Though he's comfortable around Jongwoon like an old friend to the point of telling him almost everything, he still found him a stranger due to this. Maybe one of the reasons why he couldn't do it just yet. He wanted to know more about this man he's interested in before he spill out his guts.

Both had the intention to learn more about each other's lives but for two completely different reasons.

Why do I feel like it's all about me? I don't think being interested in me is one of the reasons. I just feel it. Is he just that eager to be a friend to me? —Ryeowook questioned to himself, moping in silence. 


[A/N: Can you do me a favor? Please slap me through the internet? This story has been idle for a month now but the only update I can do is this and the next chapter to make up for it. Why? It's because I've been continuously writing Leap but now it's finished and I hope it stays that way.]

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