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I was lying on my stomach on my bed, flipping through my school yearbook. It was the one that I had brought last year and had shoved in between two books on my bookshelf. I had forgotten its existence until now. There were pictures of students that I had grown used to tormenting me and students that were neutral within the school. It was the bullying students that I was currently focused on. They were the ones I knew for sure that I could get my anger heated up just thinking about. There was so much to hate and be angry at them for. It was almost too easy for me to feel the stirrings of my recent temper. There was also the fact that I couldn't seem to narrow my test subject down to one person. I could get it down to two or three, but not one. I had too many options and too many people that could use a beating.

Sighing, I rolled over and stared at my ceiling fan. Though I knew this had to be done, I wasn't sure if I would be able to stop myself from murdering a bully of mine. There was too much beef, too many memories of hurt feelings and tears of embarrassment. It didn't help that these memories kept poking at me, muttering about justice and payback. Was this justice? Was I going to go too far and not be able to come back? The situation with Jennifer was different from what I was planning to do now. It had been an accident and had not been something I had cooked up on the way to school. No, this was going to be premeditated. What if I got caught? What if I was shipped to a lab and tested on like some kind of animal?

Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe this was a bad idea.

I shook my head, scolding at myself. I had to do this to whether or not I was crazy. I had to know if I was truly special. If it turned out that I was, I would learn to control myself. I would do that so I wouldn't hurt anyone on accident. I didn't want to hurt anyone on purpose either. Though it turned out that I had no such power, I would be able to go back to my old life and throw off the guilt I felt for hurting Jennifer. Either way, I would know. I wouldn't be able to batter myself anymore.

To do that, though, I needed a test subject for my experiment. I required someone I knew that I hated If my so-called power did not work on my target, I would know for certain that I had no such power. I wouldn't entertain this insane idea any longer. If it did work on this person, though . . .

I didn't know what I would do.

I would deal with that issue when I came to it.

I picked up the yearbook and continued to glance at its pages as I had been doing for a while now. I had come up with two students that I felt I could summon enough hate for and would be left with only a bit of guilt if they were harmed. One of those students was Anthony Pilgates, one of the players on the school's football team. I could not recall what position he played and did not care to. What mattered was the fact that he had told everyone that he had slept with me towards the end of the last school year. Five months have passed and a new school year started, but I still withstand stares and whispers. He had a told a blatant lie, of course, but they had drunk it up like it was fresh water. It was a bit worse this year because now the rumor was that I had slept with the entire football team. I didn't know who had spent the time to spread that certain rumor, but I had a feeling it was Anthony.

The other student that I had in mind was Philip Woodrow. He wasn't an athlete, but he was the apple of every teacher's eye. He kept steady, good grades and was in a few clubs to keep himself busy. His partner in crime was lying in a hospital bed at this very moment. He and Jennifer had started dating over sometime over the summer and the relationship changed Philip. While he kept up his façade in front of the teachers, he attacked a handful of targets without a drop of mercy. The few that he terrorized did not dare to entertain the idea of telling a teacher. What teacher would believe that one of their top students was also a bully?

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