Chapter 2: A Aquatic Trial

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(Word Count: 739)

After my, well, trio was now formed (Perry doesn't count quite yet), we went for the Dark Bloo Inn like our winged companion requested. I perked up from annoyance.

"And this is to get a card? It'd make sense if I knew what you were on about."
"Too complex. Trust me. And just call us by our regular names, man!"
"And you said you enjoyed being called that."

I was annoyed by the slender idiot's response. Even then, this monster of a building wasn't intimidating as I had been there before. I mean, I literally faced ghosts while there. Even so, whatever this card was, it was going to be worth it. But I saw fragments of the card all about the outside area. All unpainted and torn.

"Really? And yeah, I'll sort this thing."
"Nah. I'm new to this trio or stuff, so I'm doing it!"

I watch him dive headfirst into all places where the card fragments were, not caring about himself. I guess he owed me after I saved his goddam life.

*A while later...*

"There... gottem!"

He was back, covered in wounds all over his body. Regardless, he had 5 unpainted parts of a card. We observed them to try and figure out what it was meant to be.

"It looks like a raft? Yeah, that has to be what it is."

We casually get out of there and head to the ocean. And somehow, we couldn't tell what we needed to do until something weird happened. Invertio slammed his tail on the card and it fixed and painted itself.

"Huh. Never knew I could do that!"
"So... do we just go?"
"Well, yeah! Really...."

So we got in the raft and eventually reached the Fort. The waters were rough as time went on, and it was actually late by the time we arrived.

Despite it being night, the beast of a building that Fort Cobalt was shone out for the group to see. Perry quickly speaks up.

Well... I think we can't fight the guy since it's night, so..."

A quick speaker cuts him off with a reply.

"Nope! Get in and get it over with."

The huge doors open as we step inside, and I turn to the two allies I had.

"Is bringing the raft necessary? Really though."

"Yeah. It's not like the moment we step onto the battlefield it'll flood..."

Fate was a little annoying then, as the room lit up. That guy from the vision on his own battleship, and we got in our raft as rising water made us ascend up the towers.

"I question my luck sometimes..."


We reach the top, starlight giving a glint in our foes' eyes.

"Well... seems you meant well to get here. Since I, L-"

The water starts overflowing the rooftop and he gets agitated. I groan under my breath.

"Are you kidding..."

"Oh god! Uh, I'm doing stuff!"

He shoots a random cannonball in Perry's direction, blasting a wing off as he lands in the raft.

"Oh... mygod."

"How are you so calm about this?!"

"Says the hyper one."

I yell out to stop the arguing.


Then it was just awkward silence for a bit. Huey speaks up from my pocket to rub the awkwardness in.

"Way to kill the mood..."

Then the water blasts the guy off his ship, which was now wrecked, as he lands into the raft. Pretty much a tiidal wave sweeps over us as we get carried down to Fortune Island. The girl who was there awkwardly looks at us.

"Uh... hey?"

The brown skinned one sticks his head out of the raft and sighs loudly.

"We... we can explain."

I suppose that saved us our journey. But we had to find the Friend Card for here too. Almost as if she knew I was going to complain about it, she spoke up.

"Uh, the cards you need are in that direction. I'll wait on the other shore for you to finish."

She walks off after pointing to a cave with a lot, and I really mean a LOT of Swoopers in it.

"Guess we go there now?"

"Guess we do Invertio. Guess we freakin' do."

(Well... this story's been dead for a bit, eh? Anyways, it's back! And Chapter 3's title? It's, "Fortune Queen? Yeah Right.")

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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