Chapter 2

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Previously on The Boy in the Park:

Jungkook wondered what the man was doing there he had never seen him before. He also wondered if he would see the strange but quiet man again.

Jungkook Pov

I started to return to the office and get back to my countless amounts of emails, paperwork, and meetings. I was a businessman per se. I honestly did not really like my job it gets boring after a while but its what brings in a paycheck every month, right. The reason I don't like my job even when I should is that I'm helping people but it continues to be repetitive. I work in a building for lawyers were a company that supplies lawyers to people who are willing to pay and who need them. We have some of the best lawyers here and yes I know it sounds like I'm the boss and what not but that's because I am. My name's Jeon Jeong-guk I'm sure you already know who I am I'm the CEO of Collaboration Lawyer inc.Outside of work I have a pretty generic life I got the art museums whit photography on weekends or down to my photography studio but most of the time I go out sightseeing with my camera and take photos. Sometimes I take photos of people to draw later. I can draw a bit but not as much other artists can for me it's more of a hobby whereas photography is my passion it's what I want to do all the time. I have even had people ask me to take their photos because they recognize me for one being the CEO of the best lawyer company around and for my Instagram page that has all my best photography works.

After an endless amount of meetings and boring work, I start to head out a little bit later than usual but I still catch the train on time. I open the door to my company and walk out to the corridor that has tile lining the walls and floor. I click the button to go down in the elevator it appears and I step into to is putting on my coat. The elevator reaches the ground level and dings letting me now I can exit the elevator I pick up my briefcase and start on autopilot mode towards the train station until I notice a particular face that I have seen a lot recently. its the mystery man that sits on the bench and reads his books. It looks like lost track time seeing that he is still reading unbothered I go to walk passed when we catch eyes. I stop dead in my tracks. This is the first time I have seen his face fully without it being covered by some book. My face starts to heat. A blush slowly creeping up my neck, then along my cheeks up to the tip of my ears. My heartbeat was out of control beating in a pattern it hasn't before. I need to get off here I thought to myself so I quickly bow and continue walking. I continued walking until I got to the train station and on the train. I had to seriously think about what happened just then I have never felt like before, the only other time was when a girl asked me out in middle school but besides the point. He was a man the last time I check I was straight. Wait no I am straight maybe I just have a fever I pondered. Yeah, that's it a fever. I went to my medicine cabinet and pulled a thermometer out and put it under my tongue until beeped I took it out the read the label and my heart sunk. I did not have a fever. What is happening? That was a man why was I so nervous I mean do I like him. WHAT I don't even know his name how can I like him? Maybe I should ask for his name. Wait no no no this is a very bad idea I don't even know how to start a relationship. wait why would I start a relationship with him huh. but if I don't he might get pregnant. can guys get pregnant? wait wait wait why can't I just be fucking normal all I have to do is say hi. why am I making this such a big deal? god, I think I just spun so many bad ideas in my head because I thought I was gay for a second. not that being gay is bad but like I'm saying I'm not gay. But am I? In short, the jungkook passed out from exhaustion after having so many thoughts. 

Thanks for reading come back later for more chapters ♥♥♥

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