A long night

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It was a warm night in the quaint Privet Drive when two loud cracks could be heard. A tall bearded man and a strict looking woman with a pointed hat could be found walking towards #4 Privet Drive.

"Wand out, Minerva" the bearded man said to said woman.

"Albus, what if the boy isn't there? What will we do then?" she asked.

"My dear Minerva, I'm sure-" But he was interrupted by a crashing sound from inside the house, followed by a faint whimper. Without hesitation, Albus blasted the door open to a startling scene.

Inside the house, Harry Potter was being screamed at, glad he couldn't hear anything. That didn't mean, however, that he wasn't frightened. Harry had burnt his Uncle and Aunt's dinner, and was currently paying for it. Another plate came crashing down on his head, shards of china cutting into his already bruised and bloodied face when the door banged open. Standing in the door was the tall, long bearded man and woman in emerald green robes. The woman looked utterly horrified, and the man just looked angry and disturbed, an aura of power surrounded him. Great. The last thing Harry needed was more scary people. The man took a step forward, causing the raven haired boy to go scurrying into his cupboard. Uncle Vernon went to go chase after him but was pulled up short by an invisible wall.

"Now, see here. Just do you think you are, coming into my home and..."

Albus whispered to Minerva, "Go get Harry and bring him out here, I'll take care of Vernon." She nodded and slipped into the hall. The strict woman did a point me spell and walked over to the cupboard. Cautiously, she opened the door and tried not to gag as the stench of sweat and blood and stale urine hit her nose. Once she regained her bearings, she peeked inside, uncertain of what she might find. Harry Potter, the famous boy who lived, was huddled in the corner of the tight space, bruised and bloodied, eyes wide with fear behind his cracked glasses. She cautiously reached out to touch him and he flinched so hard, he hit his head on the wall and fell unconscious. This was going to be a long night.

Back in the living room, Albus was entertaining himself by forcing the Dursleys to tap dance, whilst Vernon was trying to yell but was under a silencing charm. Minerva came out of the hallway, carrying the boy and holding back tears. Albus cancelled the charms and they scurried out of the house, immediately apparating once outside of the wards.

They landed in the hospital wing next to a startled Mrs. Pomphrey, who's surprised expression quickly turned to concern as she hovered him to a bed. After running a few diagnostic spells, she frantically stated, "Four broken ribs, dislocated collarbone, burns, cuts, bruises, contusions, malnourished, mild concussion, blood loss, infections, and permanently deaf in both ears due to psychological trauma." At this, Minerva finally broke down into sobs while Albus tried to comfort her with a grim expression on his face and watery eyes. That being said, I might be able to get him well enough to sort tomorrow at breakfast, after which he should come right back here and stay for the next week. I can contact Remus to see what we can do for translation into sign language. As for now, I'll heal him the best I can."

"Thank you, Poppy." Albus said.

"Poor boy," was her response as she force fed him potions.

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