Chapter 1

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I have always loved the ocean. It is just so calm so serene and yet so mystical. The fact that we have just discovered 1% of the entire ocean gives me an adrenaline rush right away. My dad always took me to the Beach every weekend even though it was quite a distance from my house.

My mother died when I was really young. Sadly I just have a really cloudy memory of her feeding me nice and warm lasagna. Even though it may sound absurd They were the best I have ever eaten. I remeber her face because there are pictures of her with my dad all around the house.

I won't say I belonged to a rich family. My dad was a normal middle class with a middle class job. On the other hand my mother was at a high post in the Navy. I guess that is why I love the ocean. Yeah she was rich when she married dad. I have pictures and video of their previous house and My Oh My the house was beautiful and enormous.

But soon after my mom died my dad gave away all the money for charity and moved with me to the outskirts of the town. I live in a small yet cozy house with two bed rooms, one living room a bathroom and two kitchens. Honestly I think mom must be proud of how we have grown.

I am thinking about all this laying down in my bed. I woke up 2 hours before my alarm went off. What can I say I am an adrenaline junkie. Without wasting any time I get up from my bed.

My feet are cold but they turn to normal as soon as my feet hit the carpet. I quickly scramble into the batroom and come out all clean after taking a bath. I look at the clock. Its 5:00 am and almost an hour and a half before my dad wakes up.

I rush into the kitchen, I need to plan a suprise for dad. He is  going to turn 50 today. I quickly remove all the ingredients required for baking a cake and cooking lasagna. I think it reminds him of mom. I smile at the thought of her. I know she is somewhere smiling back at me.

As soon as I am done with baking the cake. I put the lasagna into the oven and start with icing my cake. 45 minutes before the birthday man wakes from his slumber. I quickly finish decorating the cake and step back to admire my work. I made a double layerd brownie cake with blue fondont which resembled the ocean and used whipped cream to make some waves.

I then move towards the fridge and remove two small human figures and two surfboards made of fondont. I had rolled them out yesterday itself. I dusted some yellow gold edible dust which looked like the sand then I placed the two figures and the surf boards carefully on the top tier. The two figures were of me and my dad on the beach.

I was proud of my work.

I quickly decorated the hall with ligthts, ribbons and balloons. Took the lasagna out of the oven. I was relieved because it smelled really good. I then bought the cake and lasagna out in the living room and placed them on the centre table along with some plates and spoons and a knife nicely wrapped witha ribbon. Something was missing. But what?

My eyes landed on the platform above the fireplace. I waked towards it and picked up a photo frame which contained the picture of my mom and placed it on the table. It now looked complete. I think I look alot like my mother. I have the same wavy black hair and deep black eyes. My iris was a little bigger than normal iris's which made me look like bambi the deer.

Suddenly the lock on my dad's door clicked. A huge birthday boy emerged out of the room as soon as I started singing the birthday song. I loved the look on his face. It was just like a small 5 year old boy when he looks at a candy.

I might have heard a small shriek when he laid his eyes on the cake. I was really very happy. We finally sat down togather. He cut his cake as well as the lasagna. Both turned out really well.

"Just like your mother's"

I looked blank at my dad as thoes words came out of his mouth.

"You have made the lasagna just like your mom did"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I heard the compliment.

"Thank you so much dad. That compliment really means a lot to me"

His eyes had this happiness which turned into sadness as soon as he looked at the packed suitcases.

"Do you really have to go?" he asked with a sad smile.

"Dad you know I will be back before you know it."

I gave him a bear hug so that his happy eyes returned.

"Lets go to the beach just like we used to go. Okay?"

"Yeah. I would love that"

We cleaned up and left for the beach.
It was almost sunset when we reached there.

I went to a college which was really far from home. So I visited my dad every year atleast two times. One time during his  and the other during my mom's death anniversary. I wanted to be with him both in his happy and sad times. I am currently in the last year of college and hope to get a job at the place I desire. But I feel sad for leaving him behind. I look at him staring at the sunset.

"I love you dad"

He gets starteled for a moment then gets back his composure.

"I love you too monkey"

I will be leaving tommorow.

And hope to come home as soon as my exams are over.

Beyond The Trenchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें