Chapter 2

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I am at my college dorm before I know it. My room mate Carla is sweet mostly but is a little moody at times.

I knock on the door in a specific rhythem.

The doow swings open and I am greeted with a fatal bear hug.

"Cough cough I am ch- oking Carla"

I said almost on the verge of dying

"Oh sorry. My bad. I am just a little too excited."

I walk through the door and plop down on my bed. A cute name plate of wood was placed on the top of my bed. Polished and painted in the colours blue and white a hand carved name 'Cordelia' . My mother made this name plate for me before she passed away.

The name Cordelia is a girl's name of Latin, Celtic origin meaning "heart; daughter of the sea".

Cordelia, the name of King Lear's one sympathetic daughter, had style and substance.

It was a beautiful name which was given by mother. Something I always cherish. I smile looking at the name plate.

"Lia! What and why are you smiling. You know it gives me the creeps"

Carla was an extremly british lady with straight blond hair. She had the obvious blue green eyes with small pout lips. She often called me Lia as she always nagged about how long and difficult my name was. Well I can't blame someone who has 5 letters in their name.

Some one knocked at the door. I looked at Carla hoping she knew who it might be, but she gave me the same confused look back.

I walked towards the door hoping we did not get into any trouble as we were so very popular with pranks and jokes and the entire college knew about it.

I did a short mental prayer before I opened the door.

"Miss Cordelia Robert the principal wants to see you and miss Carla Jules"

A small shiver went down my spine. I looked at Carla and she returned the same confused look.

Well we had no choice the matron directed us out of our dorm into the college hallways.

I kinda did a rewind of all the pranks I and Carla did together.

1) When we put paint on the white board duster and the entire white board was ruined and mind you the colour were permanent.

2) When we dumped glitter into the matrons hat. Poor thing could not get the glitter out of her hair for days

3) When we carefully placed slime in Miss Macbeth's purse and she scremed and ran through the corridors with slime on her hand.

4) We baked a brain cake which actually looked very real for Kate's birthday. She almost had a heart attack I swear

Well these were some of the pranks we pulled off before I went home and we were baisically punished for them.

Then why did principal madam want to see us?

Well there was no point in stressing. So we walked past the watchman who wall always appointed out side the pricipals cabin. God knows which terrorist was going to attack her.

He gave us a small smile. He knew us very well as we were always taken to her after a prank placed.

By now you must be thinking about why we aren't expelled. That us because I and Carla were the Valedictorians of our college. We enjoyed but also did out part of studies.

We saw principal Maconagal seated on her really fancy chair with her expensive pair of glasses resting on her nose. She had some wrinkles near her lips which she tried hard to hide behind her cakey makeup.

She stared right into our souls as soon as she felt our presence.

"Good morning Miss Cordelia and Miss Carla. Please take a seat"

We sat down with some hesitation. But all our hesitation vanished when she smiled at us.

"What is the matter maam?"

Carla asked out of dying curiosity.

"Well as you know every year big research companies come to our prestigious Marine school of Stanford to give job opportunities...."

Both of us looked at her expectantly.

"So this year The Atlantis Research centre has given some priority to our kids"

By now I was at the edge of the chair I was stitting on. Because that research centre was the most biggest and best research centre the world has seen.

"The research centre has looked at some of your score cards and has given job opportunities to the both of you!"

I was totally dumb struck. No words came out of my mouth. I suddenly saw 2 Principals.

That was not normal. Isn't it ?

"Congratulations to the both of you. Come on go start preparing for your exams and also start packing up your bags. The centre was so very pleased by your score that they did not care about how you would score in the finals. But that does not mean you don't study."

"Now run along I have work to do."

Carla and I walked to our dorm room quietly. And as soon as I shut the door. A loud shriek echoed through my ears that was Carla and me yelling.

We were literally jumping and huging each other. We were so freaking happy.

A smile was plastered on our faces for the rest of the day. I swear we looked really silly. But we just could not help it. We were so damn happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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