The Four Sons

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Four rich friends were hanging out on a restaurant when one of them recieved a phone call and had to leave for a time.

Meanwhile, the other three were discussing about their son's career.

The first one said: My son is an architect, and he designed many big and expensive mansions. He's so rich he gave his girlfriend a mansion aswell.

The second one said: That's nothing! My son is an engineer, and he designed many supercars and sportcars. He is so rich he gave a Ferrari to his girlfriend.

The third one said: Those are weak! My son designs yatchs. They are very, very expensive and many celebrities bought yatchs from him.He is so rich he gave his girlfriend a yatch.

After the argument, the fourth friend came back. The three who where in the restaurant asked him: And what about your son?
he replied: my son? He is gay. He had his sex changed...

Everyone was shocked when he said that.
Fourth friend: I know.. But he, or she's not that going that bad. He just won a mansion, a Ferrari and a yatch!

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