forgotten nostalgia

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sometimes you look outside or off into the distance, and you get this feeling of serenity as well as a deep longing for something that was never once there. its like remembering a place that has never once existed despite the memory of it caressing your brain and enveloping itself into your innermost thoughts. your mind and body long to feel an experience that is both so familiar and so foreign. its like a long lost memory that is so faint it feels more like a dream, yet the feeling within it is as strong as if it had happened yesterday. its a nostalgic feeling for something you've never had the chance to remember, yet still cherish. its something once forgotten that has never been experienced in the first place. it feels as if you've been in this place before yet also as if this is your first time it has happened. its a recycled long lost memory that has never happened yet often resurfaces from deep within your very being. something forgotten, something reused, and something never truly experienced. a forgotten nostalgia.

the picture above was taken almost a year ago, when i was in l.a, just days before my aunt who had cancer passed away. until the next time i experience a feeling or thought that i wish to share, cya.

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