The Mask Part 1

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I wake up in the same room I do everyday, some old basement. My parents found out when I was little that I had powers, they freaked out. And, here I am now. Sitting on the hard ground, mask over my mouth so I can't talk, and my hands chained behind me. Great. 

This is how it always has been, I have just gotten used to it. I hear the door open, footsteps come closer to me. I look up, I see my parents, but they are not alone. Some guy is with them, "So, she has abilities?" My parents nod their heads quickly, I sigh. Probably trying to get rid of me.

"Yes, get her out of this house!" The guy walks over and undoes the chains, my hands are still chained together, but not to the pole. He lifts me to my feet and brings me out back to a car, there I am thrown into a car and knocked out. 

I can hear voices, the shadows, talking to me. "You will get out of here..." I hear one whisper into my ear before the doors are shut, the shadow fades away from darkness. 

(A few hours later)

I wake up silently, as to not alert them of my awakening. I look around, I seem to be in a chair. My wrists are cuffed to the chair arms, and my feet are tied to the legs. My waist is also cuffed to the chair, I notice my head is as well. I hear voices get louder, I still have the mask on. I don't think it will ever come off, I hardly remember the last time I didn't have it on. 

The people walk over to me, the room is small and dark. No shadows could be formed here, they seem to know that. "Shay dow, or also called Shadow. I see you have awaken, get used to this place. It's all you will see for a very long time, unless you be good." I stare into a man in a science coat's eyes, brown devilish eyes. "I see you don't talk much." He chuckles, then grabs out a needle, the needle has black liquid in it. I stare at the black, I look at his coat. I see a symbol on it, a red octopus. 

"Now, you will remember one thing. We are Hydra." He puts the needle into my neck, my body is flooded with the black liquid. The mask prevents me from screaming out as the pain becomes unbearable, my hands close into fists in pain. My long nails almost making my hands bleed, the scientist walks away and talks to the other.

"I have never seen a test subject react like this before, find the parents. Kill them." Soon enough, the pain stops. It may stop now, but it gets so much more worse during my adventure in Hydra.

(A few years later)

I am getting transported to another base, the Winter Soldier and I will be partners. I have been trained to be the most dangerous assassin there is, and I am. Everyone fears me, I even have Shield afraid of me. No one in Hydra has ever been able to do that, Shield sent the Avengers after me. I haven't come out since they have, Hydra doesn't want me fighting them alone. 

I walk down the long corridors, I am being brought to my new cell. Right next to the Winter Soldiers cell, great. I walk past his cell, he looks up at me. I see emotion in his eyes, sadness. But, in mine, nothing. Being here, has caused me to become somewhat emotionless. The pain, the torture. The guards open the cell and I walk in, the guards remember what happened last time someone pushed me. They ended up in a morgue, I killed them.

I walk over and sit on my bed, the guards don't take off my cuffs. They leave them on just in case something happens, in other words, if I try to escape. My black hair falls in my face, my dark black and red eyes stare off at the wall. 

(Hours later)

I must have gotten lost in time, I hear a knock on my door. Then guards come in and grab me, they pull me out the door and push me forward. I go to turn and attack them, but they push me forward again. I just walk forward and plan my attack afterwards, they will pay. I walk down a few hallways, before we get to a door. A big door, the guards open it and push me in. 

My eyes land on the Winter Soldier, he is in a chair. His wrists, ankles, waist, and head are all strapped down. I furrow my brows in confusion, then look at the guy in charge. "Shadow, finally your here. It's time your mission against the Avengers starts." I stare at him, expressionless. Another man walks up to me, holding a mask. I hate that mask, the man puts it over my mouth. My breathing becomes heavy, the guards grab my arms and hold me still. I feel a crazy amount of pain going throughout my body, just as normal.

Soon enough, it's over. I feel just as emotionless as ever, but now I won't fail them. I never fail them, otherwise, I know what's in store for me when I return. The man backs away from me and the guards let go, the man walks over to the Winter Soldier. He starts to say specific words, I memorize every word. Who knows when I might need it, every word becomes more painful for him. Till the last word, then he becomes an emotionless robot. Just like me, emotionless.

They undo his straps and he stands up, he walks over to me. I nod and walk out the door with him, in my hand is a file. Our first target together, this is gonna be fun. 

(A few hours later)

I stand on a rooftop with the Winter Soldier, we have our target. And, soon the Avengers will most likely come to stop us. I watch as the Winter Soldier takes out a sniper rifle, he aims it through a window. Right as he fires it, something blocks the bullet. A shield.

I turn to see Captain America land on the rooftop, he reaches for his shield that flies back to him. I run at him, my hood covering my face. I still have a mask on to, the same mask my parents put on me. Hydra never could get it off, without taking my face with it at least. 

It doesn't seem all of the Avengers are here, just Captain America and Iron Man. Iron Man shoots at the Winter Soldier, and I jump over Captain America. Iron Man manages to take out the Winter Soldier, he flies over to help Captain America finish me. I kick the back of Captain America's head, then kick the back of his leg causing him to fall to the ground. I grab his shield and block Iron Man's blasts, Captain America swipes his feet under mine and causes me to fall. He grabs his shield and puts it to my neck, I stare into his eyes.

"Stand down, Shadow." I stay calm, I punch him in the face and bring my feet to his chest. I kick him off of me, then jump to my feet. The Winter Soldier slowly gets up, but he is cuffed and taken by Shield. I turn to look back at Captain America and Iron Man, Captain America throws his shield at my head. Before I can process it, I feel it come in contact with my mask. Part of it chips off, my hood falls down as well. They seem surprised by my mask, they didn't know I had one till now.

Captain America and Iron Man walk over to me, I try to push myself to my feet. I hear guns being fired, Hydra. I am picked up, and carried into a helicopter. Oh no, I failed. And, I lost the Winter Soldier to Shield. I'm so dead.

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