The Mask Part 2

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I am brought into Hydra, I feel it gets harder to breath. My mask is chipped, I am laid on a table. I am strapped down tightly, they also strap my head down. My mask has never chipped before, not even when Hydra tried to get it off. Vibranium. The shield was made of vibranium, shoot!

My vision starts to go blurry from the pain, my breathing becomes shallow. I hear shouting around me, people rushing to do things. I feel the straps go around my wrists, someone else is brought into the room. The Winter Soldier, they must have recaptured him. It doesn't seem like he is the Winter Soldier right now, he has feelings. 

"What happened to her?" He is pushed into a chair, he is soon strapped in as well.

"Captain America," I start to get light headed, people start to calm down. I see the Winter Soldier look into my eyes, he cares. I then see them walk over to him, we failed our mission. Once they either take my mask off, or fix it, then I will get punished as well. 

They start electrocuting him, the scientist walks over to the others. "Take off her mask." I feel my body tense up, it isn't any better hearing him scream in pain. I watch them walk over, they grab a knife thing and start trying to chip it off. Everytime they chip a piece off, I feels like they are taking my face with it. I pull on the straps in pain, soon enough the straps give way. I am held to the table, for once in a very long time, I felt tears fall. 

(A few hours later)

They must have sedated me, I quickly put my hand to my mouth. It's still there, I sigh with relief. I hate this thing, but I need it. I stare at the wall for a while before I am taken back to the room, I'm strapped down to a stronger table this time. 

I don't think they are taking it off, the right corner of my mask is chipped almost completely off. I start to get light headed, but I ignore it. Soon, the Winter Soldier is brought in the room as well. He is strapped to a chair and the words are repeated, I feel a needle be put into my neck. I manage to resist the pain and it's over pretty quickly, I can do that. 

Both of us are released from our straps, "Don't mess up, Shadow. We think your mask was enough of a punishment this time, next time it won't be nearly as close." I nod my head then walk with the Winter Soldier, we grab our weapons and go.

(A few hours later)

We stop on another rooftop, we are more into the shady part of the city. I turn to the Winter Soldier, and nod my head. He grabs his gun, then aims it at the target. He shoots, and it hits it's target. Head shot, I turn to walk away, but I am punched in the face. I stumble sideways, when I look at who it is, I see Black Widow. 

"Heard you could fight," She smirks, I feel the wind blowing on the red and black bandana I have covering my mask. The rest of my suit is black and red as well, it's tight but loose enough so I can fight. My black ripped up cape and hood blow in the wind as well, under my mask, I smirk.

I grab out my blades and swing them at Black Widow, she ducks under them and goes to swipe my feet. I jump backwards and do a back handspring, I land on my feet and kick her head. She stumbles backwards a bit, then wipes blood from her mouth. "Nice one." Then lunges at me, I throw her to the ground after dodging her kicks and punches. 

I turn to have Captain America throw his shield at me, I make sure it doesn't hit my mask again this time. I duck under it, "Your mission is complete, don't fight the Avengers." I hear a voice say in my ear, I turn to see the Winter Soldier get thrown back towards me. I grab his arm and lift him to his feet, then point with my head to go. Captain America throws his shield at the last minute at me, I don't expect it again and it hits my face. I am thrown to the ground, I quickly get to my feet. The other Avengers all land next to Captain America, I look down at my hand. Blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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