Chapter 4: Put Your Back into It

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Key for this chapter:

Stiles' Thoughts

Anyone Else's Thoughts

'Old dialogues memories, spoken out loud thoughts, the past in general...'



""Not an Actual Speech or Thought""


Warning: Alternative POVs

Saturday 18th, October, 2015

4:00 PM


Stiles hated Beacon Hills.

It was October for crying out loud, it was cold and freezing and why, why was he standing in the middle of the preserve in just sweatpants and an under-armor body-hugging shirt.

"Why are we here?" he asked, hissing the question at Cora, who despite being a werewolf was shivering.

"Dude, don't ask me, I don't know", she hissed shivering through her teeth.

"Don't werewolves run hot?" he asked ignoring her pushing him away as he tried valiantly to slither into her personal space.

"That doesn't mean we aren't susceptible to the cold, your fingers are freezing, quit it", she whined cringing away from him.

"It sucks that you still run hot", he hissed, "I had to take care of Clara and Mara on my own, and let's not forget Emily and Benson, Batty, Levi and Lexus", he whined trying to heat his fingers by blowing on the tips.

Cora blinked at him, "Okay I get helping Clara and Mara, they're German Shepherds they actually need all that help, but how does Batty the Bat, Benson your lizard, Levi your cat, and the cubs need to be taken out?" she asked jumping up and down to get some heat going.

Stiles followed her example, doing some light-hearted warm-up exercise was better than standing still, "Clara and Mara are wolfdogs—", he corrected, "—in training, just because they're healing from a rogue omega attack, doesn't mean they don't need help moving around, rehabilitation exercise take time, and Batty needs to fly around, just because he enjoys staying upside down nesting in my closet, doesn't change the fact that, exercise is good for him, and he's got to be the only bat I know that's reverse-nocturnal you know. And Lexus and Emily may be Lynx cubs, but one likes climbing things and the other likes playing with the dogs just as much. Lex's is a cub not like he knows he's supposed to stay inside, in case an eagle tries to eat him", he huffed stretching out the kinks.

"And what's your excuse for Levi?" Cora snarked turning so Stiles could pull her over his back and help with stretching out her kinks.

"Well she's a Bombay, cats don't really wait for human protocols, she'll do whatever she wants", he shrugged.

"I just think the females in your life truly treat you like a doormat", Cora huffed as she helped him stretch out his muscles. "If it weren't for Lex, you'd totally be dominated by females", she laughed.

"Not that Lex is much help, being a baby he's still going to turn to me for help", he muttered agreeing with her quietly.

"Oh finally", Cora hissed as she spotted Hunter Black, "Wait, are those tires?" she asked spotting several men drag a few large tires that would or could seat two children in them, and at least a few carrying some cushy cushions.

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