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" What do you do when you have feelings for someone"

The interviewer asked, as she flipped over her cue cards as she waiting for the response of mew and gulf. They were at the award show but as the break come so does the interviewer come to them so they have no choice to answer the questions.

Mew and Gulf are wearing the same outfit they are wearing a white long-sleeved with black coat on the outside with bow tie.

"For me krub,  I will tell to the person that i like her/him krub" Gulf answer with a shy smile making mew smirk on the process.

"What about you P'mew?"  she asked.

"Ahh Same to bii krub, I will tell him/her that I like her. I'm not the kind of man who will just ignored what I'm feeling" Mew answered he snake his hand on gulf torso  while smiling at the camera.

"Do you ever say your feeling to someone before?"  The interviewer asked again.

The hands of mew tightly hold gulf who caught after he heard the next question. Mew take this chance to whisper something on gulf ear.

"Will you tell them how you confess on me?" Mew whisper to a shy gulf.

Gulf immediately slap mew chest a sign that gulf is really embrace of whay happened weeks ago.

" Umm yes krub" They said in chorus

"May I know when that happened?" She asked again.

"It was a week ago krub, we were having a meeting that time but something happened so we decided to take a break, and I confess to someone krub" Gulf says, his face is all red just like a tomato. He didn't notice that he was holding  mew hands tightly.

"oiiii, that so sweet krub, what about you P'mew?" The interviewer asked mew who seems lost in entrance.

"Uhh P'mew krub?" The interviewer asked again but mew is was lost because of particular persone who just arrived

"Boo! P'mew! She was asking you!" Gulf whisper to mew who seems come back to his senses.

"Sorry, what is it again?" Mew said to the interviewer but before the interviewer repeat the question Tan called them signalling the show is about to start.

"Are you okay boo?" Gulf worriedly asked to mew who still not himself.

"Yeah, umm just tired" mew said before excusing himself to gulf who just worriedly nod.

Mew is about to go in comfort room but his phone rang.

"Hello?" Mew answered

"I'm back"

Mew dropped his phone after he heard those voice.

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