Chapter 2:

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Bjorn Point of view :

From a distance I could see my family waiting on the front steps of the great hall to meet my soon to be wife .
I haven't seen Thaya in years, and didn't know how things would go .
My sister was jumping around in her shoes waiting for the new arrival of her friend .
"They are here " she yelled.
My heartbeat started to pump a little faster as it would before battle .
I made my way towards the door, as I stood next to my mother who gently touch my arm for comfort.

I only smiled her way, as the rest of my family seemed to be unfazed by her arrive.

Although my father and King Henry have been good friends over the years, he should little interest in his arrival.

The constant battle for my mothers love has pushed him over the edge some, as Aslaug hasn't forgiving him from stepping down as King.

She was so sure one of her sons could handle the job better than I.

"I love my brothers, but I would be willing to fight if that day was to come."

May I announce King Henry from Sunderland, and his daughter Princess Thryra the Herald announced.

"Will I be good enough? Would she see change in me?"

"Could she be my weakness?" So many thoughts ran through my head at one.

"The touch of my mother hands broke me out of my lost thoughts."
"You will be great my son " Lagertha said; as if she could read my mind.

"I will never be ready for this day " Ubba said. "Me either" Ivar nodded in agreement.

"You talk as if someone will give you the chance." Who will want a man who is boneless? Hvitserk said.

"Leave Ivar alone; " I shouted.

"Someone will be gladly to be in his presents one day when he's older and ready."

"I'll make sure of it."I smiled towards Ivar who only gave me a half smile.

"You see why he was fit to be King? " Ragnar whispered into Aslaug ear.

She only to role her eyes, which brought joy to him.

"King Bjorn!"

"Its my pleasure to be back into your wonderful land of Kattegat."
I havent seen you since you were a young boy!
"Im pleased to see you." King Henry said with a nod.

"The pleaser is all mine."

My family and I welcome you to Kattegat. I said looking behind him as men crowed around Thryra.

"I see you already a better greeter than your father" King Henry said with a dry laugh.

"Hello, to you Henry" my father spoke smoothly.

"May I introduce my daughter; " Princess Thryra.

You two haven't seen each other in many years. The wait is now over Bjorn.

I couldn't mange to let the word "yes" flow out so I only nodded.

King Henry turned his head and nodded to his men to make way for her.

Others around the village stood waiting happily as she made her way forward.

"Its a great honor to see you again my King " she spoke softly as she looked up.

My eyes caught her soft gray eyes that I can't remember seeing as a child.

Her hair waved with long curl patterns that made it below her chest area.
Her dressed showed every angle of her body which made me want to wrap her up in my fur jacket.

The bright morning of sunshine glazed onto her light brown skin, as she looked shyly.

I had been with so many women but none could compare.

"My King?" She asked once again.

"Bjorn," I said.

"Excuse me my My King ?"she asked with the slightest confusing on her face.

I have heard many say she is a great shield-maiden, but how could a women this beautiful be on a battlefield.

"Call me Bjorn." I spoke once again with more base in my voice.

She nodded with a smile.

This is my family Princess Thyra. Some of who you may remember.

She looked back and forth as her eyes light up as she saw Gyda for a moment.

King of Kings ( Bjorn Ironside )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang