Chapter 1

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                                                                 "Let my ride his perfect perfect face"

Picture of Sabria|


"aghh!, I hate that bitch "I screamed as Carrie, the class whore continued to flirt with the handsome male dancer that came to assist in teaching today's class.

"Why does she always get their attention?" I glared as she touched his arm.

" shut the hell Sabria, you know you don't want him, you just don't want him to want her, plus he's not even your type." voiced my best friend Sammy from beside me. 

"What the fuck would you know about what my type is ?" I questioned arching my perfectly plucked eyebrows.

"well, I know that you like jerks with a built body, airheads, I know that you like the ones with daddy issues, and I  also know that you like the kinky ones most-"I cut her off right there shocked that she knew so much about me, then again I shouldn't be shocked she is my best friend after all.

"all right I get it you do know my type." I pouted as she dragged me out of the dance studio.

"where are you taking me ?" I squealed as she continued to drag me down the lively streets of new york.

"come on girl we are going dancing its a Friday night live a little, plus you can get your hands on a beefy man to occupy your bed tonight," Sammy said suggestively as she grabbed my butt.

"fuck no Bitch, We had a long practice today I'm tired as fuck; the only place I'm going is my bed," I replied pulling away from her.

"Nope, I won't take no for an answer come on you need a little break all you do is worry about dance please just for 1 hour live your life a little you deserve it for all you have been through," Sammy exclaimed as she grabbed my arm again, and continued pulling me down the street. I sighed knowing that I can't win with her and I really do need a break. It's ironic that I'm trying to ignore my dance life tonight by going to a club.

"ugh wait a minute, we can't go inside like this; we're still in our dance clothes." I frantically tried to explain to Sammy as we arrived at the club.

"Trust me nobody is going to care what we are wearing right now," she smirked as she walked to the front of the long line of people waiting to get into the club. People glared as we continued to walk to the entrance of the club; when we reached the door a sketchy looking man stood there as soon as he recognized Sammy he pulled her into a passionate kiss. I stood there trying not to gag as he pushed his tongue down her throat.

"Sammy you are as beautiful as ever," he announced as he grabbed her ass.

"of course I am did you think my beauty would leave in a month's time?" she boasted as she lustful looked into his eyes and licked her lips; while pulling him back to suck her face.

"Damn girl I forgot how good you taste, oh and don't think I forgot the sweet sounds you make as I pound into you from beh-"I cut him off as he was getting too detailed.

"um excuse me that's too much information that I did not ask for nor that I needed to know, now can you please take your hands off my best friend." I partially shouted as people waiting in line grew annoyed at us for making them wait even longer.

"sorry about her she has a problem with all the men I'm around, you know I'm starting to think you like me."Sammy teased.

"bitch please even if I did swing that way a skinny little thing like you would never do it for me, and you know I just don't like you hanging around all these hulk men that just want to fuck you and break your heart," I replied calmly as she finally pulled away from the hulk wanna be.

"I know now let's go party, I'll see you later Sean." she blew him a kiss as he opened the door to let us in.

"you know not all men are dogs; I mean yeah you just conveniently happen to only meet dogs, but you deserve happiness I'm sure the right guy is out there right now waiting for y-" Sammy didn't have time to finish her speech as ice-cold water came pouring down my shirt.

"what the fuck! whoever just did that is going to be one sorry motherfu-, oh fuck me "I went from shouting to a breathy whisper as God stood in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"gladly babe, "God replied with a perfect smirk on his face. He had dark brown chocolate eyes, sexy just got out of bed hair, and a perfectly structured face, all brought together by dark vanilla skin.

"damn I'm wet," I announced as I felt my juices trail down my legs. Sammy quickly grabbed my arm and led us to the bathroom.

"Sammy, have you ever gotten turned on by someone's face before?" I asked seriously considering going back outside and asking him to let me ride his perfect face.

"shut the fuck up you whore, I know what you're thinking but as soon as we step out of this bathroom we are leaving. Do you know who that was? He is the Don of the Italian mafia." she screamed at me as she dialed someone's number on her phone with a frantic look on her face.

"bitch don't fuck with me, what the hell are you even talking about and who the fuck are you calling,"I squeaked finally understanding the situation. My once horny self became overwhelmed with fear as I grabbed Sammy's trembling hands knowing that one of us had to be brave.

"Sean I need you to find me a way out of here I am in the bathroom, I and Sabria just ran into him and I don't know what he's gonna do when we come out."Sammy cried over the phone to her current boy toy. 

"ugh who the fuck does he think he is making my Bestfriend cry, we are not going to sit here and hide from a dumb ass man in the fucking bathroom; we are going to walk outside with our fucking head high you hear me, Sammy!" I screamed at the wall of the bathroom as I walked to the door and got out.

"Listen, Bria, I know you're brave and all but you don't know who you are dealing with he could kill us, "Sammy said continuously crying. That just made me madder.

"I don't fucking care who the fuck he is he made you cry and now I'm going to wish he was never born," I exclaimed as I saw him up in the VIP section with a lot of drunken sluts surrounding him.

I walked up to him determined to make him pay for what he's done but the closer I got to him the more naughty pictures of him slamming into me from behind clouded my mind. Damn Sammy was right I do have a thing for kinky sex.

"Hey you pompous dicknose pie-eating bitch, I don't appreciate your presence, and negative energy around my best friend," I shouted as I walked straight up to him and pointed at his chest.

"Listen here kid unless you want me to bend you over this table and fuck you senseless I would suggest you get that pretty little hand of yours off of me," he whispered in my ear as his hands gripped my waist trailed his fingers down until he groped my butt. 

   What the fuck?

Is this bitch for real?


word count (1300 words)

Damn that was hard to write, this is my first story so please bare with me for any dramatic errors that you may find (if anyone is even reading this story) feel free to respectfully point out my errors in the comment section.

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