Chapter 28

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Sabria's dress |

                                                                 " My babies are they ok?"


It's been a week since the doctors' appointment and I've gotten considerably bigger since I honestly don't understand how my body grew this much in a week. 

I've had multiple mental breakdowns this week, The first one started when I saw Alessa and she told me that I looked like a cow, I was not only hurt by the fact that she called me fat, but also because the second English word she spoke to me was to tell I looked fat.

The second time was when I looked into the mirror and noticed the stretch marks starting to grow on my hips since that night every night Nick rubs cocoa butter on my hips and around my belly. The last one happened last night when Nick and I were having sex and Nick tried to get on top but he hurt my belly. I tried to assure him that I'm fine but he insists that he won't touch me until the babies are born because he doesn't want to hurt them.

That bitch left me high and dry!

Currently, I'm lying in bed and ignoring Nick as he tries to kiss me, I insist that if he refuses to please me, I refuse to touch him. Nick tries to lean down and kiss my stomach but I turned on my side to avoid him.

"What the fuck Sabria?"Nick questioned trying to kiss my bulging stomach once more.

"No, The babies don't want you to touch them because you refuse to please their momma," I announced to Nick holding my stomach protectively.

"Well, I put them in there so if anyone has a right to touch them it's me, right babies you love more than your momma," Nick said ripping my arms from around my stomach and placing three gentle kisses on me my belly each in a different place.

"Omg Baby I think one of them just kicked, they recognize daddy's voice " Nick shouted in wonder feeling up my stomach, I looked down at Nick smiling in content not having the courage to tell him that the babies are too small to have feet, and it was just me shifting my body.


"AHHHH, Nick wake up there is something wrong with the babies," I woke up shouting as I felt a pain in my lower belly, I started screaming as I felt the sticky consistency of blood on my fingers as I trailed it up to my legs.

"No, No, NO, Not again I refuse it, Please don't do this to me again, "I shouted at the darkness of the room, my eyes widening in horror at the thought of losing my babies again.

Nick jumped up at the sound of my screeching voice, He shut up out of the bed and grabbed his gun from the bedside table looking around the room for the source of my distress. Nick's eyes widened and he rushed over to me grabbed me out the bed and rushed through the door with me in his arms. As soon as we reached the front of the house Nick's parents were already there coming towards out probably headed to our room after hearing my cries.

" You told me that this wouldn't happen, You promised me that they would be alright, This is all my fault what's wrong with me?" I screamed into Nick's shirt as he rushed me into the car, Alessio and Sarah ran to the front of the car to drive us to the hospital.

By the time we reached the hospital, I was just numb, It was a familiar numbness, the same exact one I felt when I lost my first babies, This time I didn't try to fight the darkness kicking into my senses, I embraced it hoping it would take away the pain I feel inside.

As the darkness set in I heard the familiar voice of Nick,

" Baby please don't go, fight it, do it for the kids, We still have hope, don't give up now please, I love you Sabria," Nick shouted, he was holding me in his arms, but he sounded far away from me as I drifted away from him as I fainted into the darkness consuming me.


"Beep, Beep, Beep," I woke up to the familiar sound of the EKG measuring my heart rate, over the years I have grown used to the familiar sound.

I opened my eyes to see Nick lying beside me on the tiny hospital bed with his arms firmly wrapped around my stomach; I heard the faint sound of the door opened and a doctor walked in holding a file, Nick and his parents jumped up, Nick's parents were on a chair in the corner of the room Sarah sitting on Alessio's lap; Not realizing that I'm awake yet they stood in front of the doctor bombarding him with questions.

" My babies are they ok?" I questioned the doctor trying to get up from the bed, Nick rushed to my side and gently laid me back down.

" Alright Mrs. Cage, everything seems to be fine your cervix is still closed and the babies heart rate are as strong as a horse, This was just a false alarm, but your still not out of the woods yet you are are having triplet there will always be a high chance of miscarriage, this will continue until you are about 5-6 months where the chances of miscarriage are less likely," The doctor explained to us but I zoned out after that, I just kept on thinking about the fact that my babies are ok.

I decided from then onward I would try my best to keep out of danger for my babies sake, I once again be locked in a room, but this time it would be by my choice, for the benefit of my children.

I would do anything for my kids, I promise to safely bring my children into the world even if it kills me in the process.


word count( 994 words)

False alarm guys ( plays evil laughter )

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