Chapter One - First Sight

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I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love... seems like a good way to go. So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix. I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. "Okay", she had told me, before kissing my head. "Melissa, come on." said, Greg, her husband, who I would also miss. "Guys, come on. I love you both, we got a plane to catch." he said. They wanna go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad. and this will be a good thing. I think. The car ride was silent. I had rolled down the window and the wind blew through my hair, making it go all over the place. As I looked outside, all I could see was desert. It soon turned into tall buildings and that's when I knew that that we were close to the airport. Before I went through security, I had hugged my mother and my step father. I could hear my mother sob as I walked away, giving a small wave as I went through security. The airplane ride was filled with watching 'The Vampire Diaries and 'Riverdale'.

Near baggage claim, I saw my biological father waiting for me. After we got my bags and put them in the back of his sheriff car we drove to the town which I first called home.

In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named Millwood. Population, 3,120 people. This is where I'm moving. My dad's Kurt. He's the chief of police. We stopped when a huge truck was crossing. "Your hair's longer." he said, looking at me then back to the road. Our eyes met and I touched the tips of my hair, looking down at them, while saying, "I cut it since the last time I saw you." I looked back at him. "Guess it grew out again" he said, focusing on the road once again.

We reached a familiar house. It was white and the roof was a light shade of grey. He pulled over in a dirt path, made for parking his car. I got out of the car and got a better view of the house. It was small, but big enough for the two of us.

I used to spend two weeks here every summer, but it's been years. I close the car door and go to the back of the car to see my dad taking out my bags already. I close the trunk and we both walk up the stairs to the front door. He unlocks the door and I see the stairs I used to walk up and down everyday for a certain point in my life. He locks the door and we both walk up the stairs, him behind me. "I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom." he says. As I remember this house only having one bathroom I say, "Oh right. One bathroom." We walk into my room and I. see all the art I did in first grade pinned up on the soft boards. Paintings surrounded the room and there was a window with blue curtains. "It's a pretty good work lamp" he says, putting the bags down, walking towards the desk. "The sales lady picked out the bed stuff." he says. I look at my bed, it had my old stuffed animals and new pillows and bed sheets and a blanket. It had a smaller blanket on the edge of the bed that was purple. "You like purple, right?" he says, noticing me looking at the blanket. "Purple's cool." I say, looking at him. I look away examining the room once again. There was an awkward silence filling the room. "Okay," he says, walking out the room.

One of the best things about Kurt, he doesn't hover. I sit down on my bed. Suddenly, I hear a car's horn beeping. I go over to my window, looking down to see my dad, a guy with long hair on a wheelchair and a guy about two years younger than me with long hair. "Heard you guys coming all the way down the road," I heard Kurt say, "Good to see you." he continued, shaking the guy on the wheelchair's hand and the guy with the long hair. By this time I was already rushing down the stairs, going to the front door, and outside. Kurt looked at me while leaning on their red truck saying, "Bella, you remember Lou Presley." As soon as I saw his face, I remember him very faintly, "Yeah," I say, shaking his hand, "Wow, you're looking good." I say. "Well, I'm still dancing." he says, making us all chuckle. "I'm glad you're finally here." he says, I look at him with confusion painted on my face. "Kurt, here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming' Lou says, chuckling while looking at Kurt. The guy with the long, black hair chuckles.

"All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you in the mud." Kurt says, rolling his eyes. "After I ram you in the ankles." Lou says, rolling towards Kurt in attempt to roll his wheelchair over Kurt's ankles. I laugh and look at the guy with the long, black hair. He looked really familiar. He come c

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