Plain romance or rom-coms

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I don't really get comedy that well so if it's a rom-com and I didn't state it as one bear with me.

Remember the format: title, book pic, my thoughts on the book, book blurb pic.

1. Like sugar by Saintc (Saint caliendo)

Like the title the book is sweet might give you cavities

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Like the title the book is sweet might give you cavities. It has some sex scenes if you're not into that this might not be for you.
It basically features an old guy who is not the best looking and due to rejection he has to pay for sex. But due to his looks even the sex workers don't really pay much attention to him. Then he meets Darnel and magic happens.
It's a very nice story dealing with self-esteem issues and love.
💯 recommend.

💯 recommend

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2. Nerd Alert by saintc

I'll let you read it for yourself

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I'll let you read it for yourself.
There's a bit of cuteness... I didn't like it that much though but it's good.

 I didn't like it that much though but it's good

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