79. Fall

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9. Fall

It was the quiet autumn days when they had met. They saw each other in passing, a brief introduction to each other before being left to their own devices. The personification of (C/n) was strange, China had decided soon after they had met. (Y/n) was her name, she had said when their bosses had left them.

"I don't really like being called (C/n)." Her face scrunched up. "It sounds too formal."

"Then call me Yao too, aru," China had said.

They talked and talked and talked for a very long time. Eventually, however, their bosses had come back to pick them up. They bid goodbye to each other and left. China almost forgot about her until the next year had rolled around and it was autumn again. In retrospect, for nations, a year wasn't so long so it only felt like a blink of an eye before he was face to face with her again.

(Y/n) didn't look any different though perhaps she was a little taller. She had greeted him before they were ushered off to socialize with each other so their bosses could talk.

"It's nice to see you again, Yao!" she stated. "How've you been?"

"I've been well," he replied.

They conversed throughout the evening before they were once again, separated. She left him with a smile and the thought of her stayed with him through the next year. He saw her again the next year and the year after that and the year after that one. At some point, he had stopped considering her an acquaintance and tentatively thought of her as a friend.

There was one year when she failed to show up.

"She's just busy," her boss had said. "She'll be back later."

She was back in a few hours. She said she tripped and fell and somehow got a little lost. China believed her, she seemed like the type to do that. They spent the day together and before he knew it, they were saying goodbye again. Sometime, as the years passed by, they began to join their bosses in their discussions.

Political talks, trade, everything. They had to get experience as a nation, their bosses told them, you can't just play all day anymore. (Y/n) didn't like it as much but she bared with it with a polite smile and fake interest. China didn't like it much either but he didn't say anything and merely followed along.

They had known each other for hundreds of years, it seemed. She was one of his dearest allies and he was one of hers. It was autumn again. They were celebrating the anniversary of their alliance. The copper leaves of the season fell around them as they walked through the garden.

And as she smiled and quietly thanked him for being her friend, his heart felt like it stopped. Somewhere along the line, he realized, he had fallen in love with her too.


Thanks for reading!

Sequel: 81. Prompting

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