I jump into a bush after a dying friend

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        It started to rain shortly after the ambulance arrived. Things got confusing after that. 

        At first, the people who got out of the ambulance thought was the one who had been hit. It sort of made sense. They found me staring out into the night blankly, on my hands and knees. Before I could say anything, I was bundled up in a blanket and carried to the ambulance doors. The woman who had called 911 shouted at them and told them I hadn't been hit, and she described Ethan. 

        Well, there was nobody to treat, apparently. The woman and the nurses argued for a long time, and I noticed that lady could cry and scream an awful lot. People prodded at me with strange needles to get me calm, because my heart was bouncing like a jackrabbit. 

        When the woman's voice was hoarse and she couldn't yell anymore over the sirens, the nurses started asking me if I'd seen anything. 

        I was still in total shock. Ethan had been hit by a car. And now he was gone. Had I imagined the man? Nobody else had seen him. Ethan could be dead, for all I knew. 

        "Young lady, you didn't see anything?" I was asked that eight times a nurse. I couldn't answer. How could I explain it, when I didn't understand it myself? Where had Ethan gone?

        "Oh, honey." My mom's soft whisper jolted me into a state of confusion. I looked up from staring at me feet. She had an umbrella, and looked at me so sadly. I probably looked pathetic, with my head sopping wet and a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. "Come on. We're going home."

        "How'd you know I was here?" I said. 

        "You were taking a long time to get home. I was going to call the resturaunt, but then I heard the sirens." she said shortly, helping me to my feet and under the umbrella. "How's Ethan? Do you know if he's okay, Ori?"

        I couldn't help it. I fell apart. I started making those awful choking sounds you do when you're crying, and my mother just held me as we stood in the rain. "M-mom, I don't know where he is. W-we were just walking home - car - a man in black-" 

        "I know, I know." she turned to one of the nurses. "I'm taking her home." We got into the car, and I sprawled across the back seats. The calming pills the ambulance had given me were seeping deeper and deeper into my system, and my head felt fuzzy. I fell asleep to the sound of Mom calling Dad to tell him what happened. 


      Ben: How you doin,' kiddo?

       Ori: Fine, I guess. Wish you were here. 

        Ben: I know, me too. You staying home with your mom?

        Ori: Yeah. I'm off work for a week or so. My excuse is 'trauma.'

        Ben: It'll be okay. Look, I gotta go. I've got a meeting with a client. Feel better, okay?

        Ori: Kay. Talk to you later, dad. 

        Sighing, I closed the chat on my phone and slipped it back in my pocket. 'Pitch Perfect' was playing on the TV, and I was sprawled out on the couch and smothered with a blanket. The sound of Mom sizzling eggs came from the kitchen, making my stomach growl. Rain pattered outside. 

        It had been raining non stop since Ethan...

        I shook my head, trying to block out the thought. 

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