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~300 Years in The Past~

        A small wind wafted through a village located on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. There was a chorus of giggles and cheering as children trudged through the autumn leaves playing little games to occupy themselves.
        "Aurora! Aurora! Come play with us!" The children chanted in the direction of an adolescent girl.
        The girl lifted her head from a thick book and quirked a russet colored brow. Her once focused and peaceful face twisted into a playful grin as she dropped her book to the wooden bench and sprung up to join the children. Digging deep into the pile of soft colored leaves she grasped an arm full and dashed after the Celtic children. The children tripped over little toes and swayed around each other in a game of catch with the teenager. The girl, Aurora, flung the leaves in the air with a giggle and caught up to a young boy of 8 years and captured him in her arms. She tossed the boy over her shoulder shouting, "I have caught one of you naughty children! Now, he shall make a fine ingredient for my new potion!"
        Aurora released a loud cackle, impersonating an old witch and skipped away from the now stopped kids. The boy dangling off her shoulder giggled loudly and called out for assistance from his peers. The little ones took action and rushed after the female whom was holding their friend hostage. Aurora placed the ginger boy on a tree stump and ruffled his hair.
        Turning back into character she cackled once more, "You meddling children will all be a part of my potion. On this day of Hallow's Eve I will--" A ringing of a church bell sounded through the park they were in, immediately cutting off the girl. 
        She rose to her bare feet and patted the imaginary dirt off her brown dress. The group of children were gathered at her sides now, gazing in the direction of the church bell. A few children clung to her sides and she placed her long arms around them and gazed into the sky.
        "Curfew already? It seems too early-- Oh, it's Hallow's Eve tonight, I nearly forgot." Her voice was thick with an Irish accent.
        With a wave of her hand, she ushered the children forward. "It's time you laddies got home now. Be safe tonight, alright?"
        Aurora spun in the opposite direction of the small ones and quickly paced herself to the direction of her home. The sun was now on the horizon and the birds created a soft melody to carry through the village. Citizens were safely shut in their cottages with fires crackling in fireplaces or under woodstoves.
        In a small, wooden cottage a girl could just barely be seen silently shoving herself out a window. This is what she did every night when the sun would set. Never once had she been caught in the midst of being out after curfew. When she tumbled out of the petite window she surveyed her surroundings to make sure no one saw what she was doing. After she was satified with her incognito state she traced around to the back of her humble abode and strolled her way behind the row of houses. She hummed a tune and let her brown orbs wander around her enviroment. Halfway through the village the girl became aware of the distinct odour of smoke. A pang of anxiety surged through her as it didn't smell as comforting as the smoke she was used to. Her feet acted of their own accord and she sprinted to the source. Her heart halted in her chest at the sight before her eyes. The cottage that belonged to the boy who she 'captured' earlier was up in flames. Literally. Flames of destruction and death were bursting through out the once beautiful home. Frantic, she located the parents of the home and rushed to them.
        "Are you two okay? Where's Ian?" She quickly embraced the sobbing couple and clutched the mother's shoulders.
        In between sobs Aurora made out a few words, "H-he's still in-in the house. My baby!"
        Aurora acted out of instinct and busted through the heat ridden door. "Ian!" She cried out and did a 360 to look for the boy. A small cry for help found it's way into the girl's ears through the crackling of flames and crashing of wood and stone.
        "Just hold on, Ian! I'm going to get you out!" Aurora sped off in the direction of his small voice dodging pieces of wood that abrupted into flames.
        She soon found herself out of breath at a closed door. "Stand back, my boy, alright?"
        She paused for a moment before sending a force filled kick to the wooden door and sent it flying into the next wall. Her eyes quickly found the boy covered in ash with torn clothes huddling in what was left of a corner. She wrapped her arms protectively around his form and guided him toward the exit. The boy was wracked with sobs as Aurora swiveled them away from barricades and walls of fire. Suddenly, a pillar of wood seperated Ian from his saviour. He screamed out for her with desperation.
"Lad, do you think you can fit through this space between the floor and pillar?" Aurora inspected the gap from a distance, concealing her panic for the boy's sake.
"N-No, I can't! I'm scared, Aurora!" He whimpered and curled into a fetal position.
She darted around her small space for an item to reach him with. A glint of silver caught her eye amongst the burning household items. She retrieved the item to discover it as a long metallic chain.
        "Ian," she roared over the surging flames, "I am going to toss a chain under the wood. I want you to wrap the chain around your waist, and lay down and I'm going to tug you out, alright?"
        The boy whimpered in response. Aurora uncoiled the chain from her hand and threw one end under the strip of wood to the child. Ian obeyed her commands and wrapped the chain around him, ignoring the heat of the metal, and shouted an 'okay' to her after laying himself to the ground. She nodded briskly and ravelled the chain up her left arm, holding it tightly with both hands. She mentally counted to three, ground her bare feet into the floor and yanked on the chain as hard as she could muster.
        To her delight the boy came sliding under the piece of wood to greet her. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding and ushered the boy to his feet. A sudden cracking and crashing sound erupted from above. Aurora craned her head upwards to see a long piece of dark wood covered in flames hurtling towards the ground. She screamed to the boy and pushed him towards the door that was within feet of reach. She began to break out into a run when she knew the boy had made it out when sudden pain surged into her body and she found herself face down on the ground, the wood crushing the life out of her figure. She could hear the snapping of her bones ricochet in her ears and blood spurted from her mouth. Aurora released a blood curdling scream, feeling the fire charcoal her skin. Her lungs collapsed and so did her soul. All will to keep fighting had fled when the wood had ground her to the floor, sealing her doom. As the darkness consumed her the last thing she seen was the chain slithered up her arm; burning her pale skin. The fire burnt her flesh as she died.

        Aurora flung her eyelids open with a gasp as if she had never breathed before this moment, and to her knowledge she hadn't. The girl was utterly confused. Where was she? Who was she? What was she doing here?
       Slowly, her vision fixated on the moon that hung high above her. The moon was so radiant and prominent in the black lit sky that it seemed to chase away any fears that plagued her mind. Then, she remembered a name that had seemed to tug on her scrambled mind until she could locate it: the Man in the Moon.
       A voice rang thoughout her head, your name is Aurora Trick. From this moment on you shall be the guardian of Hallow's Eve and the Wanderers. Then the voice disappeared. She slowly hoisted herself upright and scratched the top of her head. Weird. Aurora noticed a small puddle of tinted water and peered into it. She found she had striking green irises, long wavy orange hair that tinted black at the tips and freckles dotted her face along her cheek bones and nose. Everything seemed normal but-- then she noticed it. The left half of her curvy body was tattooed pink, red and purple that came in horrific blotches and swirls. They were obviously burns, but from what? She frowned deeply at the sight of them, but moved on to her clothes. She was wearing a short black dress that split at the end by her thighs, orange tights that were laced with patterns in them and dark boots. And on the black sleeve of her left arm a singular silver chain was coiled around it. She quirked an orange eyebrow and poked at the end of the mysterious chain. It uncoiled from Aurora's arm and slithered into the shape of a shepherd's staff into her long hand. She stood gawking at the magical object with bulging eyes. She couldn't help but ponder if it was the only thing this peculiar chain and herself were capable of doing. 

~200 years later~ 

        She let the wind carry her to the ground, all the while readjusting her mask and yawning. Her mask was hand-crafted. It was pale
beige that had a hole for her eye to shimmer through, a half-eerie smile crafted from the edge, and a crack to add an edgier and scarier detail that traveled to the eye slit.
         The moon was hidden behind the winter clouds that brought little snowflakes that drifted to the ground finding the perfect place to make stay. One landed upon the girl's freckle dusted nose and she wrinkled it in reaction. Aurora averted her vision from the snow with a scowl.
        "Stupid snow, always bloody messing with my holiday." She sneered with a thick accent to the sky and swung her chain staff around.
        "Now that's a little rude, don't you think?" A deep voice called from the shadows.
        She quickly spun to the direction of which it came, "Who's there?"
        "You can hear me," the voice sounded baffled, "How?" It was closer now.
        The guardian simply rolled her eyes, "Of course I can, now answer my question, lad."
        "Ho-How can you hear me?" Aurora growled at his repetitive question.
        "Okay, boy, that's it." She whipped her staff forward, silently willing it to wrap around the owner of the voice.
        Once she felt it wrap, she gave a firm tug and the chain retracted size until she was mere centimeters from the boy from the shadows' face. He had a pale skin tone, tall stature, snow white hair, and icy blue orbs that briefly caught Aurora's attention."Who. Are. You?"
        Her face was stern as she studied him and waited for an answer. His cheeks dusted pink from the close proximity, which didn't go unnoticed by her.
        "I-I'm Jack Frost. Who are you and why can you see me?" He turned the questions to her and furrowed his brows. 
        She pulled herself back while maintaining eye contact with wide orbs. "You're Jack Frost? You're the boy who messes with my Hallow's Eve!"
        He released a breath as she yanked her chain from his torso and arms and watched it coil around her left sleave, "Hallow's Eve? Your Halloween? How is it yours and who are you?!" 
        Her lips formed a smirk, "I am Aurora Trick. I am the Guardian of Halloween and of the Wanderers. I guide the dead children to peace, I am the Queen of fear and ruler of the monsters. This is Hallow's Eve, my dear Frost."
        He gawked at her, "You have got to be kidding me."

This is Hallow's Eve, my Dear Frost (Jack Frost Love Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu