Chapter 1- Don't be Afraid of Pitch Black

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"Aurora!" A masculine voice yelled getting closer.
        Said female rolled her emerald eyes and swung herself back into an upright position on the tree she was on. She knew whom the voice had belonged to and she couldn't say she was upset to hear it. It belonged to Jack Frost and he came whipping into vision, floating in front of his friend.
        "What do you want, Frost?" Her Irish accent was still thick after all her years of being around the world.
        He shoved a hand into his blue sweater's pocket, "Do you know how long it took me to find you?"
        She rolled her eyes at his exasperated tone, "All you had to do was tell the wind to bring you to me, so not very long." 
        "You were half way across the world." Jack cocked his head back for emphasis.
        She gave her eyes another roll, adjusting her handcrafted mask. She was always in the same place, by the same church when she wasn't busy. Bored, Aurora flipped herself back upside down, keeping her hands on the ends of her black dress so it couldn't reveal anything.
        "Awe, poor laddy, had to fly his butt all the way to come see me. I feel special." She grinned jokingly. 
        The 'poor laddy' chuckled and floated over to the tree so he could lean on it, "You should. Aurora, I haven't seen you intwo months."
        She copied his expression to form a frown, "Sorry, Jack, but it is autumn, I'm busy this time of year with all the ghouls and ghosts running around."
        He sighed, "So? You can't spare a minute for your best friend?"
        Aurora didn't deny the fact that she felt guilty over not seeing him, but she was also doing her best to keep Pitch away from Jack and the rest of the Guardians and children. She released an understanding sigh, letting her legs slip from the tree branch and the wind float her up so she was face to face with the boy.
        "Again, sorry, Frost. What do you want me to do?" She said raising her arms for emphasis.
        He shrugged and ducked his head. She swore that sometimes this guy was a bigger baby than the children they protect. She let her left palm open so her chain could slither itself into a staff and she could twirl it in between slim fingers.
       He suddenly rose his head with a mischevious gleam in his blue eyes, "You could have a snowball fight with me."
        She directed her full attention back to him with raised eyebrows, "There isn't any snow here! And I don't wanna."
        He frowned at her response before hatching and idea. Jack twirled his wooden staff up to tap Aurora on the left half of her forehead with it. He watched in triumph as sparkles floated in front of her emerald eyes, well the one that was completely visible. A burst of excitement and desire to play coursed through Aurora and she grinned wildly. Aurora giggled happily and grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him higher into the fall air. 
        "Jack, let's go have a snowball fight!" She grinned.
        Jack chuckled, tilting his head left to right as if to consider it, "Well, if you insist."
        They took off into the day sky to find a place blanketed by snow in mid October, probably Canada. Jack managed to take the lead seeing as he knew where to go and he glanced back to see Aurora flipping as she flew. After what had seemed like mere moments, they landed in the Northwest Territories where, as Jack knew, was surrounded by sheets and mounds of cold, white powder.
        They didn't waste a second of precious time as Jack began firing snowballs at the Halloween spirit. She squealed as one flew past her head and she flung herself behind a large tree. Aurora crafted her own balls of snow and a war of Guardians began. Winter against fall. Fun times against spooky times.  They leaned out from their fortresses and fired rapidly, Jack getting one in the face and Aurora getting one in the chest as it slid down into her sleek dress.
        She released a high pitched squeal and began dancing and jumping around as the snow slid further, "Oh my god, oh my god. That's cold! Holy, cold on the chest. Cold on the chest!"
        Jack now had an advantage as he magically whipped up numerous snowballs and fired at his friend, practically drowning her in the snow. Finally, the last one nailed her in the face and sent her body to the ground. She laid there on her back, huffing and smearing the snow from her face and mask. She could hear the boy's laughter as he doubled over from it. She lifted her head to glare at Jack Frost but got lost as she commenced in laughter herself and let her head fall.
        "Jack?" She got out in between giggles.
        "Y-Yes?" He crawled over to her and collapsed onto his stomach.
        Aurora reached over and slapped his back with the back of her pale hand and a puff is snow erupted from his sweater, "I hate you."
        He chuckled and watched through the space between his arm and head as she ran fingers through vibrant orange hair. "I try my best."
        Well, isn't this just a lovely sight, a dark voice rang throughout Aurora's head. She snapped herself into a sitting position and darted her vision to find him. Not there, love. Not there, either. You know, because you two look so cute together, I'll wait for your moment to be over before I ruin your day. Come see me when your finished, Halloween.
        Aurora scrambled to her feet catching Jack's attention so he got up as well, "Aurora, what's wrong?"
        "I-- Um, there's a, uh, ghoul that I have to take care of. I'm sorry, Jack. I'll find you as soon as I'm done." She placed her hands in front of her in an apologetic motion as she tried to sneak off from the winter spirit.
        He trotted towards her, "I'll just come with you!"
        She shook her head wildly and pinched her brows together, "Not today, Jack. This one's too big. I don't want you to get hurt, lad."
        And with that, she left. Leaving Jack standing there, confused and a bit upset. When her figure finally disappeared into the sky, he shook his head in disappointment and left in the opposite direction, frustrated.
        "Okay, Pitch! I'm here. Now, what do you want, 'cause I don't have the time." Aurora snarled, turning in circles to locate the Boogey Man.
        A chuckled sounded from behind her and her skin crawled in irritaton. A long form slowly emerged from the shadows in the forest and revealed itself to be the person she deemed it to be. The man, Pitch Black, smirked with jaded teeth and held out gangly arms to the sides. 
        "You don't look pleased to see me, Halloween. Now why could that be?" He teased with his English accent. 
        She growled, "What. Do. You want?!"
        "I came to propose something. A great opportunity, if you will." He swirled in circles around her. 
         "Not interested." Aurora crossed her arms, not willing to hear his 'proposal'. 
        He stopped now in front of her, looking over her form, "You don't even know what I was going to say--" 
        "Something stupid, I imagine."
        "I want you to join me!" He blurted out, a hint of irritation was evident in his voice.
        She cocked her head back, appauled by such a request, "Not a da--"
        "No way, Pitch!" A familiar deep voice roared as the owner landed in between the two.
        "Jack--" Aurora started, but Jack gave an angered glare over his shoulder to her, making her close her mouth instantly.
        Never once had he glared at her in such a manner. Aurora hadn't thought he capable of looking that angry and serious. She glared at his back, as he was slightly taller than her.
        Jack pushed his shoulders out in a protective manner and shot Pitch a cold look. There was no way he was letting him a foot closer to Aurora, let alone make her join him. Pitch looked annoyed, yet amused that he swooped in like that, it almost made him laugh.
        "Nice to see you again, Frost. But, if you'll excuse me, your little girlfriend and I have something important to discuss. And, it doesn't concern you." Pitch smirked and locked eyes with the winter spirit.
        Jack didn't move, he didn't even wince or retort to the 'little girlfriend' remark like he usually would. He remained eye contact with Pitch, anger welling up inside of him. Aurora's eyes flickered between the two in annoyance and swiftly pushed Jack back so she could be the one face to face with Pitch.
        "Aurora, what are--"
        "Quiet, Jack!" Aurora snapped and kept her back turned to him, "Pitch, you really are a moron."
        This made his smirk dissipate and his eyes bug slightly as Jack began snickering behind his friend, "You don't really understand your position within the fear domain, do you? Let me tell you something: You are the Boogeyman who gives little children nightmares and hides under beds, like a pathetic ghoul. While I am," she was now advancing towards him, "I am the Queen of Fear. Black cats don't stalk the night with out my permission. Jason does not put on his hockey mask unless I tell him what day it is. Freddy Kruger does not enter a nightmare unless I give him access! Witches don't cackle and fly around on broomsticks unless I place the warts on their noses first! Ghosts do not haunt unless I say 'BOO'! I control all that is feared! I am the definition of fear, Pitch! YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME IN THE POSITION YOU HOLD, PITCH BLACK!" Aurora had him backed up against a leaf-less tree and her Irish filled voice rose with every tone to the point where her last sentence molded into Irish.
        His face was coated with confusion and a pinch of fright. Despite her obviously smaller stature, she seemed to tower over the man with the grey complexion. In the background Jack stood there gawking at the Halloween spirit, scared himself as he did not know she could ever be angry. He mentally made a not not to cross her. While Jack's anger did not subside, it was preoccupied by surprise. Pitch was momentarily panicking for another approach as Aurora continued.
        "To suggest such an appalling thing?! There will never be a time when I leave the Guardians and my responsibility to protect the children to join the likes of you. Even if I were to, there would be no 'Aurora Trick and Pitch Black', there would be you with complete control over myself. I am no idiot, Pitch." She spat. 
        He continued to stare into her green orbs before glancing over at Jack Frost and smirking, "If you do not join me, I will take Frosty here, by force."
        His voice taunted her as his form faded to black sand and danced over to Jack Frost. Aurora released a growl and was now stuck in a predicament. Her or Jack? Saving Jack rather than herself was no contest, but Jack wouldn't have it. Before she could even open her mouth to agree, Jack would throw himself in front of her and take on the duty himself. She couldn't live with that. Not a chance. Pitch had her right where he wanted her, and they all knew it. Jack stared at the orange haired spirit with disbelieving eyes as he watched her weigh the options. They taunted her. He feared for which she picked, only moving from staring at her to swat his brown staff at Pitch angrily, who only dissipated into sand to be at Aurora's side with a menacing grin.
        Aurora finally came to a decision and faced Pitch Black with a firm expression, "I choose neither."
        Both Jack and Pitch had to go, "What?"
        Aurora then proceeded to waltz over to Jack, black dress swaying behind her, stopping in front and to the left of him, "You will not have Jack, nor myself. I will not allow that. Because there is not a chance you are taking Jack and if I agree to go with you not only will you take over me with your black sand, but Jack will offer himself up before I could even agree. So, my answer is neither."
        Pitch chuckled darkly, "I said I would take him by force! You cannot keep an eye on him every waking moment of eternity!"
        Even Jack seemed unsure himself as his pale face morphed into a worried look directed at the girl, "I have others who can watch over him while I'm busy. I will inform the Guardians. As Jack will probably do the same. I can and will do everything in my power to make sure you do not win, Boogeyman."
        "Yes, but how long can you keep that up?" And with that, he faded into the shadows leaving two infuriated Guardians.
        "Is that seriously who left left me to talk to?! What were you thinking, Aurora?!" Jack exclaimed the moment she turned to him.
        Aurora rolled her green eyes, "I was thinking of protecting you!" Jack froze, "Where do you think I've been disappearing off to for the last few months, Jack? I've been keeping him away from all the Guardians and children because if I don't he might strike again!"
        Jack swung his staff to his side, clenching it tightly, "And who said you had to take up that responsibility, huh? He knows that he can't hurt any of the children or Guardians anymore. I can protect myself!"
        Aurora felt everything well up inside her and she exploded, "I know you can, Jack! I am well aware! But-- I just-- I can't stand to see him take another Guardian away and kill them like that again, Jack! Not while I'm still living!"
         Jack immediately shot back, "Sandy came back! What the he--"
        "But, what if you don't?!" He flinched at her pitiful cry and opened his icy eyes to see tears welling up in her own.
        "Jack, when Sandy left everyone, including you, was devastated. I watched as the will to fight left each and every single one of you. Nobody thought Sandy was coming back and it tore everyone apart. It tore me apart. If-- if it were you-- and you didn't come back.." Aurora's face became immensely warm as her vision blurred and tears silently fell down one of her cheeks, the others having to squeeze under her mask.
        She was so scared that it would happen again and they wouldn't come back, it was the only thing she feared. Jack's face softened and he set his wooden-shepherd-like staff on the dying grass and wrapped his arms around the crying girl. She felt a wave of cold and comfort when Jack embraced her and she clutched the back of his blue hoodie out of desperation. He ignored the hard mask on his chest even though every time he had seen her he wanted to rip it off and see what she was hiding under it.     
        "I'm sorry, Aurora. I didn't know it was bothering you. I didn't know you were doing this." He listened to her sobs as he moved a pale hand to rub her back, keeping the other on her waist. 
        Her muffled cries manged to subside, leaving a wet patch on Jack's hoodie. She sniffled with a saddened laugh.
        Jack peered down at her when she maneuvered to look up at him, "Thank you, Jack."
        He blinked at her in confusion but kept his smile there, "Why?"
        "For letting me cry on you, for protecting me, for damn near everything. Thank you." Her voice was soft and he examined her puffy cheek and bloodshot eyes.
        He let out a short chuckle that rumbled his chest, "Hey, just doing my job."
        That managed to crack a small smile on her face which made Jack's grin widen. Aurora let his sweater go and she poked the tear stain on his sweater that was already turning to frost due to Jack's body temperature.
        "You need a blanket, you're turning my tears to frost." She giggled as he cocked his head to examine the frosty tears.
        He laughed and his blue orbs looked to the sky, "Great." He said sarcastically but his smile faded, "Aurora, how are we going to possibly keep Pitch from turning us into his slaves?"
        Aurora seemed to ponder the question for a moment as Jack waited patiently for an answer, "I have no idea. But, we'll find a way."

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