*the word "drug" has dutch origins which means "dry" because many herbs were dried before used
*if the leafy part of a plant is used, it will be most likely categorized as an "herb"
*rosemary : they were burned in rooms as a disinfectant in the 16th century
*sage : these were valued in traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese would trade 3-4 pounds of tea for just one pound of sage leaves
*basil : they are high in antioxidants and vitamin k (vitamin k helps clot your blood normally and improve bone health)//this herb has often been seen as a token of love in a variety of cultures including medieval Italy and Romania)
*mint : this herb is used to help memory loss, digestion, and headaches//this name derives from the Greek character Minthe who was turned into a plant by Persephone from jealousy
*oregano : can ease stomach aches and respiratory problems//this is also known as the pizza herb due to the popularization of it by returning soldiers in WW2
*parsley : helps improve eye health through Vitamin A//parsley was woven into crowns to give to victors of sports games in ancient Greece
Random Earth & Animal Facts
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