Chapter 7

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"I'm going to put some alcohol on you arm just to clean it one more time, It's going to be very painful," he announced. 

My heart seemed to skip a beat. The cool, wet, burning alcohol hit my skin. I felt like I could feel every drop hit as it fell, it seemed to find it's very way into every crack, hole or opening of my body. I laid there in shock. I closed my eyes to listen to what the voices in my head were crying out.

 "I-I can't move," I whispered. 

"Shhhh, it's okay. You're going to be okay," that smooth soft voice seemed to tell me.

 After the alcohol ran down my arm I waited as it was being dried by a cloth. It seemed to snag on every stitch on the way down. 

"I'm done now," he said. 

I could hear him move, the beeping was still there but I blocked it out as I listened to what he was doing. He turned a sink on to wash his hands, the put some gloves on, and put up something off a mental table. I remembered he was going to have to put some stitches in my head. But I was so focused on that thought I tried once to move to listen to him... I couldn't hear him and the beeping seemed to overpower any sound that entered my head.

 "Hel-hello?' I asked quietly, the beeping grew more intense, loading, suffocating almost. Very faintly I could hear part of his voice over the twisted beeping. 

"Hey, you're okay, you're just going to sleep for a little while," it was so soft and delicate I was afraid I could somehow lose it or never hear it again.

 I could now hear loud air movements, I realized it was my breathing so deep and filled with sorrow with every exhale. I felt a slight touch on my good arm, I moved my head to acknowledge I was there. It shouldn't have but it shocked me when I couldn't see anything, I was being put under, my thoughts were getting clouded and my breathing slowed down. I heard that voice once move before I drifted. 

"Sweet dreams," it said as I fell under the deep trance of forced sleep.

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