Chapter 25

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I walked into the PTO's office I saw the Dr from before. He turned and looked at me.

 "Welcome Hope, I'm glad you're looking better than a few hours ago," he said.

 Oddly enough he was looking straight at me, I turned my glance so I wouldn't see his eyes. He chuckled for a moment. 

"It's okay I have contacts in, they protect my eyes from yours," he said

. I looked over and saw him smiling I took the chance and looked at his eyes, it was as if he had a strange colored contact in his eye

 "How does this all even work Dr?" I asked.

 "Please, you never called me Dr. before it's James, I was hoping you would have remembered that in your... departure from the hospital ward," 

I looked at him curiously. "I do know, I know you, but I'm still processing things, like how I remembered Mitchel but-" I stopped to think.

 "But he wasn't blind?" James asked.

 I tried to gather my thoughts" Yes, he wasn't, there was only one memory when it came to him," I stopped again. 

"Curious, but I guess I wouldn't put it passed you, well okay the old you," James started to mumble.

 "Hey! There is no old me, or new me! There is only me, do you understand?" I quickly snapped. 

He looked at me with a straight face and took his glance to the floor. 

"Dr," I said cutting back to formality. "Start explaining," I said.

 He took a short little breath and sat down in a chair and nodded for me to do the same. I sat down and listened. 

"Before you lost your memory you figured out a very painful failsafe in your memory. But I need to explain how you can access other minds. Are you sure you want to know what you are capable of?" He asked starring me down like my answer was going to be wrong if I said yes.

 "If I don't know then my actions would be impulsive and my responsibility... Yes, I would like to know how I am this way and what said things am I capable of." I said, at that moment, I didn't feel like that girl in my dream that was happy and could smile. I wasn't a project and my name wasn't Hope, but I have yet to know what I am.

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