Rosie Wonderland

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In a Land known for its Rosie Land,where you will see roses in every corner was a small town full of people who were kind,no one steals from the other and no problems were made.It was a Peaceful town,but a certian girl from the town Shined the most her name was Rosilabeth.

Everyone smiled as she passed by them,Rosilabeth had the most puriest and loving heart of them all.But,she was not the only one who shined in town,she had a lover named Castriel.

Castriel was a loving boy.The couple would be holding hands,when walking down the street,they also liked to help the town plant more roses around,For everybody in the towns dream is a place full of roses,where the scent of roses was in the air.

But one day,there was a tragic event where everyone has gotten sick,there was no cure to fevers that they have gotten.Rosilabeth and Castriel decided that it would be nice to make the last of their time to plant roses.The town planted roses until one by one all were falling unconsious.

As days pass People were decreasing but every death of the towns people counted a bunch of roses that had appeared.Evertone had thought that the random roses that had appeared were the people who had passed away.

The roses were a memory of them.The day has come where the lovely couple Rosilabeth and Castriel were the only ones left.They Held onto eachother and passed away.

And what was left in the town was a Rosie Wonderland.

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