Chapter 7

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My heart was beating fast. I tried my best to not appear frazzled.

"Wes—umm yea, he was just leaving," I said walking over.

"You sure about this?" Mike glared at me.

"She's sure," Wes answered.

"No offense bro but this between me and her." Mike didn't sound as confident as he did a few moments ago.

"Nah it ain't nothing between y'all no more. That means don't call her, dont come here & if I find out you put your hands on her Imma kill you myself," Wes threatened getting in his face.

Mike threw his hands up and made his wait out of the door.

I rubbed my fingers over my eyes and fought back tears. Wes walked over and stood on the other side of the counter. We stared at each other for what felt like ever before I reached in the freezer to get a pint of ice cream. Placing it on the counter I reached and got two spoons from the drawer. Passing him one I slid in one of the bar stools and he followed behind.

"No jimmies?" He asked.

"Not this time."

We took a few bites each before I asked him what I really wanted to know.

"How did you know he was here?"

"I ran into Delilah out front."

"And why were you out there? And don't give me some bull crap reason. Does this have something to do with Eric's car being set on fire?"

He didn't say anything.

"Am I in danger Wes? Tell me the truth."

"There was a threat. Your brother believes it's gone..."

"But you don't?"

"I just gotta be sure," he looks over at me.


"You know you can't see him again. I'm not telling you you what to do but—"

"I know. It's over, trust me."

"I wanted to break his jaw."

"I know, but it's not worth it," I say as my phone rings. It was Delilah.

"Hey just calling to make sure you're okay."

"I figured you knew since you sent Wes up here."

"I wasn't left with a choice. It was either him or your brother. So I take it he's still there?"

"Yea, listen I'll call you in the morning."

"Mmhmmm," she teased before hanging up.

"You drew this?" Wes questioned standing in front of one of my paintings.

"Yea, a few months ago. You like it?"

"Eh..." he joked. "So how long were you with that guy?"

"Do I ask you about your relationships?"

"I don't have relationships."

"So what do you call them?"

"I just call it fun."

"Oh? And what do they call it?" I laughed sitting on the couch.

"It's fun for them too, trust me."

"I remember Eric use to think like that and then cane Annie."

"Yea well your brother got lucky. I'm not the family man type."

"I believe that." I moved over as he sat down. "you never really talked about your family to me."

we both laughed both realizing we hadn't really talked before last night. for years he was just my brother's annoying friend. as far as I was concerned he was still annoying, we just didn't feel like we were enemies...for right now.

"yea its not much family to talk about. I was in foster home after foster home until I was 18, you know that much about me." I did know that part about him. that's how we all met, a shelter for children. wish I could call it an orphanage but this place was a lot worse. eric and I were only there for two weeks before our uncle claimed us. eric and wes kept in touch throughout the years. it didn't matter what foster home wes was in they always found a way back to each other. he was the only person outside of my brother and Delilah who knew about the incident with my uncle.

"yea, I know. what a life we had," I sigh.

"im not complaining."

"can I ask you something?" he nodded towards me as I continued, "why do you know, do illegal stuff when diamonds is doing so well?"

"you ask your brother these questions?"

i suck my teeth, "you know i dont."

"let's just say i'll get out when i can."

"whatever that means."

just then his phoned vibrated. glancing at it he stood to leave.

"your flavor of the week calling?" i asked walking him to the door.

"youre really newsy tonight huh?"


"Listen I won't tell your brother anything that happened tonight but I meant what I told dude. Y'all done. You deserve better than that and you know it."

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