chapter 9

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"hey, how are you feeling?" I asked entering Annie and eric's bedroom. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night.  after the hospital wes drove me to Delilah's and I stayed there until morning.

"i'd feel much better if you'd tell your brother to stop tryin g to keep me on bed rest."

"he's just scared that something is going to happen to you and the baby," my voice cracked as the tears started again.

rushing over to me she held me tightly. "im so sorry annie."

"no, no you don't have to apologize Sav. you saved my life. if you weren't there I don't know what would have happened. stop crying, me and the baby are fine because of you," she smiled wiping my eyes. "goodness look at your hand," she chuckled.

"I wish I could've broke his jaw," I smiled.

"I taught you well," eric said entering the room.

"you could say that. is wes out there?"

"no, shane's out there, wes is handling business," he gave me a strange look.

"oh whatever, I just wanted to thank him..."

"sure," he teased as i headed towards the living room.

"you feeling better iron mike?" shane asked once spotted me.

"I actually do, well I can use some sleep honestly," I yawned.

"you about to head out?" he asked.

"hmm I think so. I didn't rest," I answered walking towards the door. when I opened it I spotted wes walking up the walkway.

"where you going?" he asked.

"home im so sleepy."

"you cant stay here for a bit? your brother has 4 extra bedrooms."

"yea but my own bed is--is something wrong?" this whole time I was thinking it was a random robbery. it didn't occur to me that annie and I could've been targeted. "wes tell me the truth, were we targeted?"

he took a deep breath and looked to shane then  back to me. "im just being safe savannah," I wanted to believe him, but I didn't.

"I can escort you home sav," shane said from behind me.

"I think it's best if you stay here for a few days," wes suggested. I was too tired to go back and forth about it. the entire thing was frustrating.

dropping my keys in the bowl I headed back to one of the extra bedrooms. eric's home was huge and extravagant but mine was a one bedroom apartment that seemed more 'homey'. it would do for now. it seemed like I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


a few hours later my eyes fluttered open. the sun was setting. grabbing my cellphone I saw I had several missed calls and text messages from Delilah. I wiped my eyes once I heard the knock at the door. "come in."

it was shane and he had a slice of pizza on a plate. "did I wake you up?"

"no you didn't. did you really bring me only one slice of pizza?" I joked turning on the bedside lamp.

"oh you can eat like that?"

"I can do a medium box of pizza and a diet coke."

"I can bring you the box..."

"no youre sweet but it already feels like I've been sleep all day. what time is it?"

"quarter after 7," he said looking at his rolex.

"wow. the day is practically gone. who's all out there?" I said biting into the small piece of food.

"your brother, annie, kayla...Delilah came but shes on the balcony with wes..."

"shes with wes?" I asked.

"yea they been out there for a while."

I guess she took my advice after all. "im going to take a shower," I said wiping my hands with a napkin. "thank you for thinking of me."


"oh goodness, spare me your game shane," I laughed pushing him out of the room. i've known shane for almost five years. as long as I've known him he was a nice guy. Of course that didn't mean I could date him. Besides him being a friend of Eric's I had JUST broken up with mike. No one moves on that fast.

After my shower I borrowed a grey sweat shirt & grey sweat pants from Annie. We were a similar build except I was a little bit more 'hippy',

Once I entered the living room where everyone was I walked over to the multiple boxes of pizza right away. I didn't have a six pack but I had abs. I went to the gym three times a week and while that was probably not enough, it was all I wanted to do.

"Don't be greedy," Wes commented pushing me to the side and grabbing himself a slice. He was trying to take the one I had my eye on.

"You has plenty of time to grab what you wanted. Don't touch my slice?" I warned.

"Your slice?"

"Wes don't act like that. You were out here all day. Everyone knows I wake up with an appetite."

"What?" He laughed as I pushed him back.

"Why don't you just take my last slice?" Delilah asked walking over towards us.

"He doesn't like Hawaiian pizza," I giggled glancing at her plate.

"I don't. I like the slice I had my eye on,"
he pushed me to the side again and now we were fighting.

I tried to hold back my laughter as he picked me up and made me face the other way. "You were not eyeing that slice."

"How do you know? You were just sleep, you're probably still groggy," he suggested going for the slice.

"Ouch," I winced grabbing my wrist which was still bandaged. He gave me a worried look. As soon as he let his guard down I placed the food on my plate.

"Seriously Savannah?"

"Yea," I winked enjoying my food. "So when'd you get here?" I nodded towards Delilah.

"Little over an hour ago. I was coming to check on you," she answered eyeing Wes as he bumped my shoulder before walking off.

He was relentless. "Well thanks for coming. I literally slept the day away."

"You didn't get any sleep at my place last night? Were you uncomfortable?"

"No I was just a little freaked out. I don't know what I'm gonna do for the next few days. I can't imagine going to my apartment tonight."

"You know you're welcomed to stay with me."

"Yea I know. I think I'm gonna ask to stay here for a few days. I feel safe because Eric's here."

"Make sense."


"So what?" She asked walking with me towards the balcony.

"shane told me you and wes were on the balcony for hours."

"what? we were out there for maybe half an hour," she laughed. "shane however, did ask me if you were seeing anyone."

"really? and what'd you tell him?"

"I told him the truth. I said you most definitely were not."

"Delilah I literally broke up with mike all of two seconds ago. still kinda fresh."

"yea but four months is not four years. we're young we should be dating."

"so does this mean youre going to go for wes?"

"already on it."

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