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Cease the silence. Blackout the dreams to come, I'm trapped by my own darkened thoughts and fear of the unknown. I need to escape. Please...don't go...help.

I'm left standing in the cold whispers of my sanity; roaming through the infernal chambers of my mind. Strangers have walked over the paths of my soul; leaving their footprints over my heart. I now dream in silence, blocking out those who wish to summon me to an eternity of sadness. Those mindless souls strike evil in my heart. It now dwells within me, I ache to make them suffer. To feel the blood curdling fire of a thousand souls.

I can see visions but they're darkening. My cheerful spirit. She's been abandoned, sleeping amongst those of the fallen. She's slowly dying. Never to return. You shouldn't sympathize with her. She can only feel the illusion of pain. She's falling, into the depths of the emptiness. She's laying there, with eyes that were full of disgrace and regret; are finally closing.

I can only see these four padded walls now. You must understand. One dying wasn't enough. Once I smelt the heavenly stench of their deaths. It has become like an addiction. I crave to make more of them endure the pain that I have been branded with. I suppose you don't know it's an addiction until you try and give it up. I know that's what you want, so do they. It's those strange men dressed in white that tell me I have a problem. They soon learnt their lesson. I couldn't help it, it was like a red mist had descended over my eyes. I couldn't see or breathe. I lost all sense and feeling... I...

You are going to have to serve a life sentence. In the state mental unit. You'll never leave. Do you understand? Look, we are doctors. We are here to help you. Hello?

They've left their sedatives in here. All ready, to poison me with. I may as well do it for them, life doesn't march on. I've stopped dreaming and when you stop dreaming. I think it's time to die. Thank you, you were my everything when I was nothing. I wanted you to be able to rest, knowing that I never wanted to hurt you. I've sacrificed everyone and not you. I want to leave this world so I can end this agonizing pain.

Well, we said 'till death do us part. I'm sorry I won't be there, to help while you weep in heartache. But you can let go now. I love you... goodbye.


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