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Disclaimer: no offense, happened in imaginary world

She closed her eyes

We've lost my only parent recently and my elder brother seemed soo frustrated and angry since then, I can understand why he's angry and how badly he was missing, we both become burden and sudden responsibility to him at once, not financially but he's young to take the responsibilities of two siblings at once

He would scream, yell, starve himself for our silly mistakes and he got all unpredictable in moods, well I know what he's going through and its hard for him

And I've become more burden to him with my decisions in his hard times, studies aren't my things, never, so I've decided to quit

I've decided to join in defence, but I don't know how to do or the way to do, colonel Watson uncle being my family friend I've asked him for help, he wasn't sure at first, he took few tests and after being satisfied with performance he helped me to apply, but he told me about special forces combat training being opened for females now, and I should be one of them in future, for that I should be trained properly even before I join NDMA, he asked me not to waste my three months

I asked him why? Bcoz am confused and worried if entrance to NDA is tough but he said something to me on that day

Not every Soldier will get opportunity to fight for the country, only few will get the chance in more than 1 million active soldiers of country, your focus shouldn't be on passing the academy as soldier your focus should be fighting for the country, you are fighting with 1 million others to achieve that position, I will give all my reserves for you but you should never let me down girl and that hit me, he was right am not made for regular training regular work, I always feel that I should do something beyond I dont know whom to prove what to do but all I know is that I should be in special forces and should go for missions

One day my brother got to know this before I could convince him, he tried all his ways to convince me, but he's not okay to send me away from him, he tried all the things, he tried all emotional blackmail, beggings, self harm and everything before punishing me and scaring me

I've been a challenge for him to stop me from coming here, I've begged him and cried a lot, did every possible thing I can to send me here

His last option was my pet, yes he tried to kill or pretend to kill my only pet before my eyes to show me how it feels to lose his loved ones, he tried to harm him before my eyes and i was in trauma begging him to stop that and he was in no state to listen to me, I was losing over him, you know how it feels when your pet cries or makes sounds to save him in fear crying for life? any ways and I've got mentally drained by then and could take no more

I've decided to run away from him and everything that night when I planned to escape from that hell he caught me, he lost his senses and I got beaten blue till I lost my senses

He was horrified I guess, next day when I woke up he was there right next to me and I've apologized for getting Him on his nerves, i understood how he felt when he found am trying to escape from his life, surprising me he said okay to my training and talked to colonel but only I will be allowed to NDMA if I pass with you three, that's the deal between him and colonel, he just wants to make sure he don't lose another person of his life and here I am with these Mark's

He never abused me before he never behaved in this way with me this is the first time and it's his most hard times I should've given him some time, he deserves but I've got no time to waste, it's my mistake not his

(She said It with her tears flowing down continuously on her face)

They're quite, no words came out of the mouth, the girl who don't use more than hundred words a day who never speaks now spoke off her heart out

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