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Yuvi's pov :

The craft is as silent as the truck journey but the voice in my head is exploding with sounds

Sir'Elsina gave us our Molle (backpack) and we looked at each other

She made blindfolded soul to stand before me and geared us up for tandem parachute (dual jump), soul is steady and straight as if she's ready for the jump

Sir'Elsina gave me coordinates and maps cleared the route for free fall.. like seriously?High altitude free fall jump..! a HALO jump!

I stopped panicking and looked at the ground, checked my gear and positioned souline, checked oxygen and all clear!

The red light turned to green and I made the move, I am doing free fall with my awesomely fucked physical and mental state!

The free fall was smooth and easy, we've reached 4000 altitude and its ideal time to open the parachute, I just pray that I've no malfunction in parachute and have to use reserve parachute to save ourselves! And thankgod everything is perfect! My parachute worked safe!

Soul holded my hand hard with the sudden ejaculation of parachute, being blindfolded and falling from high altitude can raise your anxiety and even can give you heart stroke, she stayed strong than me, but I donno how she must be feeling like..

There's something in this journey of air, the calmness and being high in the altitude.. the freshness of the clouds and tiny world under me, that thin line between living and dying! That second which can change any dynamics! That loud noise in my mind rolling the movie of my life in front of me! And in the process of contemplating things we landed on heavy stream but thanks to the life jackets

A thick blue color of rescue spray was emitted into the stream to show the place of landing, we somehow crossed the stream in low tide region reached the banks with lots of struggle in chilled cool freezing water

We're tired and exhausted! I removed the gare and her blindfold, I removed my tshirt to save myself from hypothermia! The water is fucking cool!

We laid down gasping for the fresh air and relaxing ourselves! And we fucking don't know what else we're going to go through here!

We both laid there for hours and hours, sleep and hunger fucked my brain, I dozed off without caring about anyone


Hours passed and my head felt light, my stomach is growling with hunger

I woke up and beside hunger I am worried about soul, I looked around and found her sleeping with head on knees

I looked at coordinates, we're in right place but no further orders and nothing to do, so I didn't disturb her but I looked around, I looked at water to see if its drinkable or not, it didn't seem like fresh water, its glacier water and water tasted a little salty.. may be some sea water is mixing somewhere.. hence it's not drinkable, thankgod she gave me my molle, it will have sufficient water but I don't know what that girl gonna drink, anyways I don't care!

I walked away to change my dress, I don't want to die with hypothermia.. but what about her ? She's in water since yesterday night, she didn't pass out right ? Anyways who am I? I don't care..!

I went to change my dress and collected few dry leaves and twigs for bonfire, not for her, it's for me and only for me to save myself from cold in the night!


Soul's pov :

I woke up with some chirpy noise, my head and body hurts so much

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