||Chapter 3||

40 3 3

Darryl pov

I open my eyes to see a cave lit up with hundreds of tiny glowing mushrooms. I stand up, my back aching from lying on the stone floor. I look around me and see several tunnels, each lit up by mushrooms. I pick a tunnel and start walking down it, wondering how I even got here? It all feels to real to be a dream. Plus if it was a dream then I wouldn't be feeling pain.

"Hello?" I call out into the tunnel. Just as I expected there was no reply. I keep walking down the seemingly endless tunnels. As I'm walking I start to hear water. I run towards the sound and behold there is an underground river! I go up to the water and settle down beside it, tired from all the walking.

I'm sitting down peacefully till all of a sudden I hear quick dashing coming from one of the tunnels. "H-hello?" I call out nervously. I see a small black figure dash and hide in the shadows. I tale a deep breath and approach the shadows. Once I got there a creature lunged out at me, tackling me to the ground. The thing that attacked me was a small pure black.....cat? With pure white eyes. It gets up to go run away but I pick it up. It screeches and squirms as I hold it.

"Hello!" I say to the cat. "Can you understand me? Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here?"

The cat turns into a small bird and slips out of my hand. Then turns into a cat again and starts floating around me. "Hi!" The cat says. I stumble back in shock.

"You can talk?"

"Well yeah duh. I havent seen humans down here in years! I thought they all were killed..."


"Oh well there used to be many animals down here but the dark king sent all his minions and killed off every animal down here. I somehow managed to survive but im the only one left."

"Oh... I'm so sorry. Hey whats your name?"

"Pike!" He says proudly. "What's your name?"

"Darryl. But uh just call me Bad!."

"Bad? Thats a bad name" he laughs then looks at my unamused face. "I was just kidding geeze."

We walked through the tunnel for hours just talking and joking. Then suddenly i freeze. I hear a call for help. "Hello?" Once I say that Pike seems to start listening too.

"Help!" It calls out again. It sounds like.... Zak?

"Hello?! Zak?!" I start running towards the sound.

"Bad no stop it's a trick! The demons are trying to lure you into their home!" Pike says, quickly flying after me.

"No! You don't understand! If I'm down here he must be here to! I can't let him die!"

"Bad please listen! Its a trap stop running I dont want you to die!"

I just ignore him and keep running as fast as I can. The cave keeps getting darker and darker. Right when his voice sounds just around the corner Pike transforms into a big lion and knocks me to the ground. I hit my head on the hard stone floor and everything goes dark.

Word count: 542

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