||Chapter 6||

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Vincent pov

I wake up back in the cave, Zak sitting next to me asleep. Before we woke up we decided to go find the brightest place we could so that there was less chance of being attacked. Turns out the brightest place is a small cavern with about 5 glowing mushrooms in it and a pool of dirty water.

I feel tempted to shake Zak awake but who knows what could happen? If he's asleep then he's probably awake cause thats how logic works. If I shake him up will he just fall asleep wherever he is irl or just not wake up? I don't think I'm willing to take the chance.

So I guess I'm just stuck here alone all night with my thoughts. And this time I can't just go play Minecraft to distract me. I mean I guess I could go search for food but I don't see how that would be useful in a dream. I look down at Zak and lightly shake him. There's no response, like I expected. I stand up and go to take a walk through the tunnels, making sure to try and stick in one direction. I know it's dangerous but I'll be fine.

Zak pov

I wake up on the stone floor again like I do every night. Still tired, I roll over and lay there quietly with my eyes shut. The cave seems to be eerily quiet. I stop breathing for a second to see if i can hear anything... nothing. Not even the breathing of another human. I open my eyes and look around to sew that A6d isn't there.

"A6d?" I call out. I stand up and walk into the tunnels to go look for him. I walk in a consistent path for A while till 2 pathways come up. One seemed to get brighter a bit while the other was just the same as I'm in now. If I was A6d what would I do? Probably choose the brighter way cause A6d is smart and dosen't want to die.

The tunnel seemed to go on for hours with no sign of A6d. Again I see to paths to choose from. One went upwards and got way brighter while the other went pitch black. I assume A6d isn't an idot so I choose the one that goes up. I walk through the tunnels for a bit longer, choosing pathways and just going forward. It sudenly dawned on me that I could have gone the completely wrong way and I might never find him. I try not to think about it as I walk into a pretty cavern.

It has a pond with a waterfall running running into it and the cavern is lit up by lots of glowing mushrooms, some of them in the water as well. I decide to rest there since if I keep going on I might wander even farther from A6d. While sitting down by the pond I hear voices, they were quiet as if they were trying to whisper but were failing.

"Wait here" A young voice says. I look at the entrance and see a small head poke around the corner then immediately go back.

"Hello?" I say, standing up. "Who are you? Im not scared of you!"

"No..." A familiar voice says. The one, the only, Baldboyhalo steps in. He looks at me for a second then runs up to hug me. "AHH ZAK! We were looking for you! I'm so glad your okay. Is Vince here?"

"Well... I woke up and Vince wasn't there so I went to look for him aaannnddd ended up here."

"S-so you didn't find him?"

I shake my head sadly.

"Well let's go back to where you were when you woke up! Maybe he just like wandered off and was gonna go back?"

"I guess. I hope he's okay."

"Me too. Me too."

Vincent pov

I walk through the dark tunnels trying to find my way back. God I'm such an idot. I should have just been paitent. Then I wouldn't have gotten myself into this mess. I keep hearing whispers as I walk through the cave but I try not to show my fear.

Eventually I hear Zak calling me. "Hello?!" I call back.

"Vince? Come to me! Follow my voice!"


I start running towards him, the caves getting slowly darker and darker... I go to where he was calling me from and see nobody there.


Word count: 747

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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