120: One-Shot

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Moonlight Company by TheNinjaOfCake22  

  It was late and all  Bilbo could think of was lying in his own bed back in Bag End, but the truth was he was lying on a bedroll that currently had pebbles and sticks jabbing at his back as he attempted to sleep. Since the journey began Bilbo was not sleeping well, he was too used to having a bed that was his own, and he missed it greatly. It was another one of his comforts of home he missed as well as his books, his garden, his armchair, and his food. While traveling with dwarfs a whole lot of em were told by Balin they had to ration their food, which resulted in Bilbo eating a lot less food than he was used to.

    Though he was grateful,  the dwarves did not need to invite him on their journey, it was not as though there was anything waiting for him once they reached their destination, there was for the others. Which caused him mild discomfort because he really didn't belong, this was not his journey, Erebor was not for him to reclaim and it was not his people who were suffering without a home. It was the dwarves, it was their journey, not Bilbo's.

    Though the dwarves were very welcoming and they often talked with Bilbo asking him questions about the Shire and the livelihood of Hobbits which made Bilbo feel more welcomed, however, Thorin never talked to him, and he rarely looked at Bilbo.  Which caused him to feel unwelcome and a bit nervous that Thorin may force him to turn back because he couldn't stand the Hobbit being present.

    Though Bilbo doubted  Thorin would do that with Gandalf around, yet, the truth was Gandalf often ventured off on his own leaving Bilbo behind with the dwarfs, and it was at those times that Bilbo feared Thorin most. The leading dwarf had a temper and when things went against his wishes his voice would deepen in anger, it was those times Bilbo attempted to stay far from  Thorin's line of sight so as to not be the target of his rage.

    As much as he felt he did not belong on this particular adventure, he wanted to be here. He would not deny that he had always been an adventurous Hobbit, ever since he was a wee halfling. He'd travel to the end of the Shire on his own adventures, climbing trees, and traveling through the crops of the local farms. And when the days would draw close he'd return to his mother  Belladonna Took and tell her of his many adventures. It was the Took part of him that arose the need for adventure, but he grew up a Baggins,  yes a respectable and non-adventurous Baggins.

    But he would not lie that the journey had awoken the Took side within him, and he craved for this journey, never had he seen such sights; for Middle Earth was far more beautiful than he ever imagined.

    Bilbo rolled over onto his side when another pebble jabbed into his ribs, he sat up in mild aggravation. Yes, he loved the sensation of being on an adventure, but he truly did miss his bed. Bilbo looked around the campsite, all the dwarfs were asleep, except for Bofur and Bifur they were on watch both on different parts of the site keeping a close watch. Deciding he was going on a walk Bilbo slowly crept from his bedroll and slowly headed towards the bushes to keep hidden from both Bifur and Bofur, he didn't feel like talking to anyone tonight.

    Slowly and quietly the  Hobbit sneaked past the watching eyes of the dwarves, without causing any commotion of any sort, Bilbo was greatly proud of himself. While on his journey he had become rather good at sneaking about unseen, it was a skill he did not entirely realize he possessed, it was quite helpful.

    Now away from the campsite full of sleeping dwarves Bilbo meandered about, he felt rejuvenated by the moon as it slipped beams of silver light past the dark clouds of the night, the stars glistened and the nature surrounding  Bilbo was peaceful and quiet. 

    Bilbo wandered about getting farther and farther from the campsite, but he cared not, for just as frightening it was in the dark, it was beautiful and so quiet. While dwarves slept they snored or yammered in their sleep, it was never quiet with em around, and the silence of the night was the peace Bilbo needed. It helped him get lost within his thoughts, though he got much more lost than he had realized, and not only in his thoughts.

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