Untitled Part 2

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Hey. I just wanted to say..

About.. Last night I think I kinda put you on the spot didn't I?

I know I tend to do that a lot.. I really hope you don't mind.

I've been wondering, I know you're here with me.. right now.. at this very moment.. but is it just you?

Is it just me?

Are we alone out here?

Sometimes I can't help but think.. I can't really be alone. There's always someone out there.

Someone.. I don't see him. He doesn't talk to me.. And sometimes I doubt whether he even is real.

But he's there.. watching me.

I feel it. The empathy. The sympathy. the disappointment. the hope.

I feel it.

I just wanted to ask.. Do you feel it too?

Are you lonely? Like I am.

Do you ever hope to reach out and find someone you can truly be at peace with..

I do.

Am I not enough? Why can't I be content with just me?

Can I be honest..

I really do wonder where I'd be If it weren't for you..

I'm.. happy you're here with me.

Are you happy too?

Do you wanna be here?

You don't have to answer me.. I know you can't.. I know you won't.. but I'm just glad you're here.

Is that too selfish of me? if it is.. I can only apologize..

To be selfish.. I don't hate it. It is part of what makes me.. me.

I hope you don't hate me for it.

Things are kinda weird. I hear a lot of bad things happening around.. it's scary.

It is scary but I hear about the little things that happen around too and It's beautiful really..

The little boy that grew up afraid in the dark alleys, alone.. cold.. but determined to make it through hardships.. he made it through.. bless his soul.

He made it through and grew up to be a leader.. a model of perseverance.. A light to those lost. A hope to those distraught.

He made it.. 

The dark alleys not only exist in this world.. No, they do not.

They exist in all of ours.

Right now.. we're in an alley.

you and I.

Wait.. Do you hear that? I hear him again..

He sounds.. hopeful..

You know.. He does remind me of someone.

Someone very dear to me.

He reminds me of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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