A New Life

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Liesel was shocked when Rudy proposed to her. Her cheeks were blushing they were as red as a tomato.
"Yes! But when will we get married?" Liesel said.
"About 5 years so we can have jobs and live as normal people." Rudy said.
"I love you Liesel." Rudy said to Liesel.
"I love you too Rudy!" Liesel said.
Liesel walks towards Rudy until the distance between their lips is about two inches.
Rudy passionately kissed Liesel and they did not care how much time they spent kissing but they kept kissing until they are so tired. Franz Dela Victoria from Spain meets Rudy and becomes a great friend. But Franz saw Liesel and had a crush on her and he did'nt know that Liesel was already engaged with his friend. So he walked towards her and asked her name.
"What is your name." Franz asked.
"Liesel." Liesel said in reply
Franz said goodbye and Liesel ignored him because she knew he had a crush on her.
After that Franz and Rudy went to the river and Franz said to Rudy that he has a crush on someone. And Rudy said who is it. Franz replied Liesel. Rudy was shocked and in a split-second his heart was full of hatred and anger. He punched Franz so hard that Franz was unconscious. He took Franz to the Hostpital where he had been diagnosed with concussion. He felt bad for what hes done he became sad for hitting his friend but there was a good reason anyway.
After that Rudy asked Liesel if she talked to someone who's name is Franz. And she replied yes. He explained everything to her until he cried the whole night because he is afraid that Liesel will be in another man's possesion. So Liesel asked Rudy to kiss him. And after a day after that Franz was sent back to Spain to meet his family. Franz then went back to Germany and now carrying a pistol and Rudy knew if he dont use his gun he would die so he used his gun but Franz shot a warning shot and Rudy just shot him right in the chest. And he was sent now to the americans to have a proper treatment. And then a plague spread in america causing half of the country infected and Franz died because there were out of medicine and they were too late to save half the country. Then Rudy invented a machine that can stop people from aging but he kept it to himself and gone back to his 14 year old face and Liesel also did that to be partners in love forever. After 50 years they still looked the same and 2018 they planned to travel around the world and going to countries like USA, India, Poland, Russia, China, Korea, Philippines, Australia, and Japan.

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