what if "bird box" was with countryhumans?

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You read the title.
If you don't know what bird box is,search it,it's a really interesting film.

There might be some references about the storyline.



"Listen carefully. We're going to do a trip. It will be a really dangerous trip and you- WE might die,ok? So you need to listen carefully to what i say.
Don't ever take the blindfold off unless i tell you to. Don't get out of the boat. Always stay with me,and when i'm not there,don't come out from the boat. If i go somewhere and i don't come back leave me behind and continue alone. If you hear someone and i'm not there don't take the blindfold off and hide inside the boat. If you don't follow this instructions,you will die. Got it?"

As UK said those words to little America and Russia the two boys listened carefully.

"Ok then. Let's go."

The three of them put the blindfolds on and got outside of the house.
UK guided the two boys by using a rope that he prepared to get to the lake. They then got on the boat and started sailing.

But let's explain the situation,right?

Right now it's year 2030 and an apocalypse expanded across the planet.
A illness that drives people crazy by looking at some "strange invisible creature" and makes them kill and suicide has spread.
Some say they're demons,some say it's a punishment.
UK survived with his son America and his bestfriend (USSR's) son. Russia.
USSR sacrificed himself to save the little boy that was born only for a few seconds.
Russia is in fact 6 and America's 8.
It's been 6 years since the "thing" spread.
Now the three of them heard from their walkie-talkie that a guy named China is at a safe place and that they can get there by using the river.
Now let's get back to them,shall we?

-5 hours on the lake-

Britain suddenly stopped rowing.

"Is something wrong,dad?" said America.

"No,i'm just-...tired."

He started rowing again.

"Mr Britain where are we going?"

"...to a safe place. A...safe place."

They continued their sale.

-10 hours on the lake-

"Kids,quiet." UK said as he heard some laughs.

He then hid himself too.

"Oh my god, they're SOOO stupid! Like,just LOOK! It's so beautyful!" a random girly voice said.

"Those blindfolds are so STUPID. They don't understand the power!" a more manly voice said.

Meanwhile UK and the kids were both hidden and the water pushed the boat with its stream.

After a while,the crazy left.

-15 hours on the lake-

"Ok,now i'm going to go find some food and clothes. Stay in the boat,got it?"

America and Russia nodded as Britain got off and started walking.
Obviously he still had the blindfold on so he left a tray behind him using a long rope.

He then heard a sound like when a swing isn't lubed,so he walked towards it and found a barn.
There he found some blankets and fruits. (Inside the buildings they can take off the blindfolds if there are no windows)

He then started going back but then he heard it.

"Britain,why do you have the blindfold? Don't you want to see me,dear? It's me,France! ...Britain. BRITAIN,TAKE OFF THE BLINDFOLD NOW!"

The force then tryed to attack him as he ran for his life.

"She's not real. Not real. Not real!"

Meanwhile at the boat,America and Russia heard gunshots.
America remembered his father showing him a gun.

"Dad is in danger."

And so,America took a rope and got off the boat.
He started walking in the woods.

"Dad? Dad are you there?"

He then heard a loud noise and then the force surrounded him.
He walked closer to it without realizing until he got pulled back by the rope.

Back at the boat his father put him on it and took him by his shoulders.


America nodded shakily and then he got hugged by his father.

"I'm sorry,America,i just-...i can't loose you..."
Part 2?
Tell me if you want it.

Bye,stay safe!

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