How bad could it be?

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The bell rang.

Finally! I could get out of this freakin' ugly dress!

I began to pack my things into my school bag. Last period ended, Friday parties gonna start. One thing though, I have no plans for the weekend...

Books, pencils, homework, notebooks, everything's here...

I put the bag on my shoulder and sighed. I walked to the door, put a foot out but some prevented me from going. I look back and ome of my best friends -Amber- had grabbed my wrist, and behind her was Cristina and Clare... Great...

"ARE YOU GOING?!" Amber squealed.

"Where exactly?" I cleared my throught, trying to figure if my ears were bleeding.

"THE HOST CLUB OF COURSE!" Amber squealed again.

Host Club? Why would a highschool have a host club?

"There's a host club?" I asked, tilting my head.

Amber's green orbs shrunk as her eyes widen. A gasp escaped her lips.

Big. Mistake. Im screwed....

"You haven't heard of it?!" All three girls said, shocked.

"Im afraid not" I said, still checking if my ears were bleeding.

Cristina looked deep into my (e/c) eyes. I back up a little, a bit scared. Amber flipped her red hair behind her and put her hand on her hip, then pointed to me.

"GET HER! SHE NEEDS THE HOST CLUB!" she yelled. Cristina was the first to grab me then it was Clare and lastly, Amber. I struggled in their grip.

"HEY! LET GO!" I yelped as I was being dragged.

"Calm down, (y/n), you wont regret it," Clare reasured me with her brown orbs gazing into mine. I trusted Clare, after all, she did safe me once. It was a walk along the street when a man with a shirt with what looked like beer stains, some baggy shorts and wreaked with alcohol grabbed my arm. "Hey girly~ Wanna come party?" he asked, sounding drunk out of his mind.

"No thanks," I said, trying to get my hand back.

"I think you need to," he replied, ready to take me. Before he could he went onto the floor. I froze in shock as I saw Clare, panting and looking at the man. She looks at me and smiled. I owe her my life!

I gulped and noded as I let them take me.

We arrived at a door with a sigh that read 'Music Room #3'. They let my go and squealed. I dusted myself off as I scanned the door. It was a bit big. Wait, wasn't this music room abandoned? I thought to myself.

"Okay, who should she visit first?" Amber asked Cristina and Clare.

"How about Hony and Mori! They're my favorite and I think she would like them!" Clare beemed.

"I think she might like Hikaru and Karu better! She'll just love the brotherly love they have!" Cristina squealed.

"Hmmm, why not Haruhi or Kyoya? They seem her type," Amber said, looking at me. Cristina and Clare did the same. I felt a bit uncomfortable and as a reasult, I gulped.

"How about I try the ones you suggest me and see who I like from there?" I suggested, hoping they wouldn't fight. "THATS PERFECT!" all of them said together.

They backed up, leaving me in front of the door. I knew they wanted me to open it. I took a step closer and put my two hands in front of me.The door creaked open as light came beaming out as along with rose petals.

"Welcome Ladies~" said male voices together.

I looked inside and was shocked at what I found.

There was a blond boy with dark purple orbs who sat in the middle of a sofa. Behind him was a..... what looked like a boy with brown hair, brown orbs and his eyes looked like female's. Next to him-on both sides- were what looked like twins. Their hair was orange but combed the oppisite way. The eyes were what looked like yellow, they kind of reminded me of a cat's. The twin on the right, there was a man whose hair was black, grey eyes, and wore glasses. He held a reservation book. The twin on the right had a tall, muscular man who had black hair, grey eyes, and no emotoin. On his shoulders was what looked like a 7 year-old kid that was blond and had brown eyes with a pink big bunny in his arms.

The blond one on the couch looked a bit surprised when his eyes met mine. He got up and slowly walked toward me. I could feel Cristina, Clare, and Amber all fangirl.

"You're a new guest, correct?" He said, his face inches from mine. I felt my cheeks warm up. My mind couldn't process what was happening so, I just gave a quick nod.

"Welcome!" He bursted, spreading his arms.

"T-Thanks..." I shyly said.

"(Y/n) (Y/l)" the one with glasses said.

"How do you know my name?!" I asked, a bit shocked.

"I have my sources, you're the daughter of a filming company, correct?" He asks me, pushing his glasses up. I have a nod in reply.

To be honest, I was scared of him.

"Awwww, dont scare the poor thing~" one of the twins said, walking up to me.

"Yea, she looks fragile~" the other one said, now on my left side. The other was on the right. Both of their hands on my chin, their lips inches away from my cheeks. I swore my cheeks were on fire. I felt my friends squeal behind me.

"I- uhh..." I tried to say, as the twins slowly leave my sides. Before I could say anything now that the boys left, Amber bursted out "She'd like to see Haruhi first!"

"Wait, what?" I asked, looking back. Amber just smiled and waved "Tell us how it goes!"

The female eyed boy smiled and walked up to me. He put his hand out for me to take. I sighed and shook my head. "It's fine..." He just shrugged and took my to a table with pink cloth and design. My opinion, its girly.

Great, Im sitting with a boy alone, with a girly table, but eh. How bad could it be?

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