Chapter 1: A Not So Pleasent Surprise

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You opened your eyes, taking in dark blue walls of the messy bedroom that you were in. You allowed your hand to move around the bed but stopped when you felt the sudden movement of something next to you.

You barely had time to register that you were not, in fact, in your own bed, let alone your own house, when an arm draped itself around you trying to pull you closer to whoever was next to you. You looked at the arm and had to choke back a scream.


You were up in an instant grabbing onto the desk chair to stable yourself after nearly tripping on a large pile of clothes on the ground.

In the bed lay a large skeleton, Its head was nestled into the pillow and its arm was now laying in the spot where you once were. You nervously looked it over, taking steadying breaths and stepping closer to it trying to convince herself not to go into a full-on panic attack. That's when you noticed the gaping hole on the backside of the skeleton's head. It looked like someone had bashed it in with a hammer. The rest of its body was lazily covered with blankets, making it look like just another oversized store-bought Halloween store decoration that somebody had put clothes on.

You hesitated a few more moments before deciding that you were right, it was probably just some store-bought Halloween skeleton that somebody had dressed up to scare you when you woke up. You also knew that if that "somebody" was your brother pulling a prank on you, he was going to be in for a real treat when he got home from work later, but for now, you needed to get out of this place and try to find out just what the heck had happened last night.

You noticed your familiar blue sweatshirt hanging on the corner of the bedpost, it looked a little more tattered and worn than usual but you chalked it up to it needs to be washed, after all, it had been a good while since you had done that. You made a mental note to yourself to do that as you reached out to grab it when a skeletal hand grabbed for you. This time you weren't able to hold back your scream as you were pulled back into the bed by the skeleton.

"Where ya goin'?" The skeleton's voice was a deep baritone, one that sounded so familiar, but in your panic-stricken mind, you couldn't think of anything else besides trying to get away from the now very awake, and very alive skeleton, who was practically bear-hugging you to his chest.

"L-Let Me Go!" You yelled, silently cursing yourself for stuttering, and tried to untangle yourself from the skeleton, but it seemed that no matter how much effort you used in fighting against his grip he wouldn't budge. you were starting to panic and tried squirming out of grip, only for him to hold on tighter, taking the air from your lungs. "I - I have to go home!" You all but yelled, when you finally got a breath. His deep laughter filled the room and reverberated in his chest.

His grip on you loosened and you took the opportunity to worm your way out of his grasp and run as far away from him as you could, which was unfortunately only about five feet, something he could very easily close with a few footsteps.

"Hey, what'cha doin'?" He said, starting to get up from the bed to close the distance. His smile had gotten bigger and it seemed to almost stretch until it looked like it would crack, it was manic, full of pure joy, knowing you couldn't keep running away. It made you want to curl into a ball, to hide away from the monster in front of you.

Your eyes widened in fear as he started to creep closer. He looked like a wild animal, hunched over until he was almost on all fours. "C'mon, I don't bite..." His grin grew wider, as you started to back away until you were flush against the wall. "Heh, well maybe just a little." There was another round of low rumbling laughter that came from him that sounded more animal-like than human.

A Humerus Time (Sans X Reader, Papyrus X Reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now