Chapter 6: BUZZZ

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You woke up on the floor, against the wall. It was dark outside and while your vision was blurry, you could just barely make out the clock on the wall reading that it was half-past midnight.

You rubbed your eyes groggily and looked around, trying to get a better sense of where you were when the realization hit you like a brick. You were back at your house in your brightly colored coral painted room, on your plush aqua carpet that covered the floor.

It didn't take you long to realize that something was wrong, very wrong. Everything felt fuzzy, and when you looked around you could see that everything looked familiar, yet so foreign to you at the same time... like you weren't really there, and every time you tried to focus your vision on something it shifted.

You were confused, and trying to understand just how you had gotten back home when you saw your phone buzz a few feet away from you. It looked like you had thrown it, and you tried to remember why, but nothing came to mind.

The screen lit up, and you froze when you saw the number of who had texted you. You tried to get yourself to move away from your phone, or to throw it further away from yourself, or to even get your body to react at all to your mind but it wouldn't. Instead, you found yourself reaching for your phone, your hands trembling as they opened up your twitter Dm's to see what he wanted.

Five missed messages

H: Hey sweetie, You there?

H: C'mon sweetie, I miss you! Answer me when you see this.

H: You not answering me on purpose or something?! You do remember what I can do right?

H: I'm sorry sweetie, I just got mad, please stop ignoring me... lemme make it up to ya. I'll come over to yer house, make you feel good, sound okay?

H: I see you. You didn't think you could hide didja?

You couldn't stop reading the last message over and over again, 'What?! NONononononono. He can't be He couldn't be'- Your hands were already moving over the phone's keyboard to send a reply. They trembled much more now, and no matter how much you tried you couldn't gain control of your body you couldn't

You: Henry, I have told you multiple times, Leave. Me. Alone. I don't love you, I never have. If you don't stop I'm calling the police.

His reply was almost instantaneous.

H: Heh. You sure the cops can get to you before I can?

Following the text was a picture of you sitting hunched over in the corner of your room, with your phone in hand, wearing your pink and green pajama pants, and a blue sweatshirt. The picture had been taken right outside your bedroom window, which was located on the second floor of your house, the only thing that could give anyone that view was the tree...

You looked outside your window, and to your horror, you locked eyes with the person who had taken the picture. He was now only inches away from your semi- cracked window.

Your body was up in a second, you could hear yourself scream as you bolted toward the door, dropping your phone in your haste. You had nearly made it to the top of the stairs when you were grabbed by a heavy set of hands that held onto your arm tightly before gaining a better hold at your waist. You were all but dragged back to your room, screaming the whole way and trying to wriggle out of his grasp, but to no avail, as he was twice as big as you, but that didn't stop you, you tried kicking him away, and punching him, and for a moment you thought you were winning.

A Humerus Time (Sans X Reader, Papyrus X Reader){DISCONTINUED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora