Chapter 3: What Happens Now?

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You had closed your eyes once again trying to convince yourself that it was just a bad dream, that you were still snuggled up to the skeleton who was comforting you, but when you opened your eyes all those hopes disappeared and were now replaced with instant dread.

In front of you was the towering skeleton that stared down at you with mismatched eyes. He easily could have been mistaken for his classic counterpart if it wasn't for the great amount of dust that covered his clothes, and the grey hood pulled over his head.

He watched you warily, and every once and a while he would mumble something to himself. He never made another attempt to grab you, and none of the others had attempted to help you yet, but from the corner of your eye you could see they were all on edge and ready to help at a moment's notice, but for now, they stood silently, watching. You looked back at Dusttale sans, only to feel your eyes widen considerably when a papyrus head and scarf appeared next to him. The head stared at you, it's dull eye-lights trained on you, as it slowly moved toward you.

You began slowly pushing yourself up against the wall, keeping your eyes on the papyrus head, glancing back at the Dusttale sans every now and again. When the Papyrus head got close enough to you, however, you noticed that glove-covered hands had appeared out of nowhere. He was now only a foot away and started reaching a ghostly hand out toward you, and from in front of you, you could feel Dusttale sans's eyes trained on you.

It took everything you had in you not to scream, instead you locked eyes with the papyrus, and slowly extended your own arm toward his, in an attempt to shake his hand. You were caught off guard, however, when there was a low growl from Dusttale Sans, and the Papyrus head disappeared entirely and your arms were suddenly pinned up against the wall by Dusttale Sans.

"You can see him? " He growled, causing you to wince, as you avoided his gaze. The others had started moving forward, and Crooks was now holding Axe back. One of the claws on your arms was released, but when you tried to move it, you found that you were still pinned against the wall by his magic. His claw slowly moved to your chin, and he forced you to look into the mismatched eye lights, that now stared at you menacingly, but you couldn't find words. You had always hated yourself for how shy you got when you were scared. It was why you were always getting into bad situations. " Answer me!" He growled out again, before slamming his other hand against the wall, causing you to flinch and sink in on yourself, trying to get as far away from him as you could, but he held your chin in his clawed hand steady.

You could see from the corner of your eye now that multiple skeletons were trying holding back Axe, while the others were trying to talk Dust down, without getting to close. He had surrounded the area with glowing blue bones to prevent the others from stepping in.

You looked back up at Dusttale sans when he gave another warning growl. You opened your mouth to try and answer him but nothing came out, so instead, you nodded meekly.

This seemed to calm him because you felt your hands drop as he let you go from his magical hold, and you took in a shaky breath.

He took a step back still observing you with those mismatched eyes, before flashing you a menacing grin and disappearing completely.

When you saw he was gone you fell to the floor sobbing, holding your wrist. You hadn't realized you had been shaking until there was a blanket wrapped around you, and when you looked up, you saw Papyrus had put a pink blanket around your shoulders and was looking down at you giving you a soft smile.

You tried your best to stop crying, but you couldn't help the tears that streamed down your cheeks, after all, you had no idea where you were, and what you once thought to be a work of fiction had moments ago been pinning you to the wall.

A Humerus Time (Sans X Reader, Papyrus X Reader){DISCONTINUED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora