Chapter 1: Something's Off

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Class 1-A was in a very important discussion regarding one of the most important members of the class: the resident cinnamon roll, Izuku Midoriya, more known as Deku. Every body was there, even the resident bomb guy, figurative and literally, Katsuki Bakugo, which only made even clearer that the issue regarding Deku was very serious. The first to take the word was the vice-president of the class, Momo Yaoyorozu: "Well guys, as you can see, we are all here because there's an issue regarding Midoriya's state, physical and mental." Next to talk was the manly-praising Eijiro Kirishima: "Now that you mention it, its true. He seems lost most of the time, and more stressed than usual." This statement made every one to start talking between each other, making a little chaos in the room, before the resident bubbly girl, Ochako Uraraka made every one shut up: "I am very consternated. I don't want to think why, but I have been noticing that he smells a little bit like cigarette and alcohol. I'm very worried."

Those words made every one go crazy: the class cinnamon smokes and drinks!!?? That was a huge issue. The speedster and, ironically, the most organized and respectful in rules meaning, Iida Tenya made every one shut up, to keep the meeting in secret from Deku, and the rest of the teachers, at least for the moment. He then spoked: "I am in accord with Uraraka. But he is difficult. When we question him about it, he wont say a thing, and tell that every thing is ok. It's difficult to help him, specially when he is constantly putting others before him." Hearing this, the official tomboy and rock girl from the class, Kyoka Jiro, took the word: "then we have to confront him directly, in a way in which he can't evade the question or put someone before him." Listening to her response, every body looked between each other, leaving Jiro confused, until Yaoyorozu spoked: "Well then Jiro, that mission falls to you. And before you start asking why, the reason is that you are the most direct person after Bakugo and Tsuyu, but we all know what would happen if we send Bakugo, and Tsuyu can be way to frontal sometimes, and we all know how timid can Midoriya be, but he has been a little bit more aggressive lately."

Whit the vice-president words, every one left to their respective rooms, leaving the rock girl dumbfounded in the common room alone. When she came out of it, she noticed that she was the only one there, and started thinking how to approach the green haired teen and how to get him to talk about his problems instead of talking about her problems. She left to the elevator, and went up to the girls floor. When she arrived, she went to her room, and entered it with a million of self-labeled shitty ideas of how to approach Deku. Little did she knew that things were going to go more swiftly than she though. Latter that night, she started to feel thirsty, and looked at her clock. It reader 1:00 am. She got up, and went out of her room. How ever, when she got out. She saw some one going up the stairs with something on the hands. She decided to follow the figure, but had to hide a pair of times since the figure stopped to look around, and sometimes seemed that he was talking with someone, but ended talking to the air. When he reached the door that went to the balcony, he opened the door and got out. Closing the door behind him.

Jiro came out of her hiding spot, and went to the door, and opened it to see who was the one she followed, cause she already deduced it was a boy because of how he talked and the sound of his voice. How ever, she found the least of her suspicions on the balcony, and in a way that she never though it possible: Izuku was there, leaning on the railing of the balcony, with a bottle of Jack Daniels on his hand, a pack on cigarettes and matches on the pocket, and he had a cigarette on his mouth, keeping it in place with two fingers. The scene gave many vibes, but the innocent and cute vibe that Deku constantly gave during classes and training. Suddenly, Deku stopped smoking, trowed the cigarette end to the floor, stomped it, and started shouting: "OH DEAR GOD, WOULD YOU KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY? WHOLE DAY, EVERY MOTHER FUCKING DAY HEARING YOUR COMPLAININ- ....what do you mean there's some one here?" Kyoka started sweating bullets at those words, but it stopped when she saw Izuku's face: it seemed like he hasn't slept well for weeks, and he looked pale, looking like a dead man. Izuku opened his eyes like plates when she saw Jiro, and he started stuttering as his 'usual' self: "O-oh, ummm, h-hey Jiro, how, how are y-ou?"

Izuku noticed that Jiro was looking at the Jack Daniels bottle he had in hands, and he started stuttering an answer as fast as he could: "I, umm I, this isn't mine, I emm, found it? Yeah, I found it and I was going to take it to Iida, hehe." Jiro looked at Izuku with a face that expressed that she didn't bought shit about his explanation, and said something that made Izuku sight: "I saw it all, so drop the act, Izuku, if its truly who you are." Hearing this, Izuku just dropped the act, and gulped down almost half of the bottle of Jack Daniels, making Jiro scared. After that, Izuku got another cigarette, putt it on his mouth, took out a match, fired it on using his shoe and turned on the cigarette. After that, he smoked, and while breathing out the smoke, he talked: "Well then, congrats Jiro, you found the real Midoriya." Jiro looked dumbfounded: the sweet and cute Izuku never existed, and instead of him, there was this pretentious boy. Seeming to read her mind, Izuku talked: "Don't forget to add drunk ward and active smoker to the mix." Jiro was scared. The sweet Izuku was all that. Deciding to take the thing on, she decided to play Deku's game, trying to find why Izuku was that way. Other thing is that they weren't that different. "So, the real Izuku care's to share a smoke?"

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