Chase's P.O.V

ive been living with the outher egos for almost a year now. its been great! henrik and Marvin helped me get over my drinking problem even though i havnt stopped drinking completly, but i dont go over board anymore.

I havnt been able to see my kids the whole time but ive talked to stacy about wekends and holadays. i sigh as i sit in my room with the lights out and the curnins closed. i have a book open and a glass of bourbin sitting next to me. i hear a knock st the door of my room "Chase its dinner time!" i hear jakie say from the outher side of the door "Who cooked?" i asked, not in the mood for food counjerd by marvins majic. not that it tasted bad, it was just different and i was not in the mood!  

jackie laughed "it was henrik" he said, then i heard him walk away. "im coming" i mumbled to nobody in particular as i got out of my seat. when i got down stairs the plates where on the table and people where taking their seats. robbie and JJ sat next to eachouther like usual, marvin sat nest to JJ and across from  jakie, who sat next to henrik. henrik sat next to an emty seat as well while anti took his food to his room like usual. "ahh chase zere you are! i saved you a seat." henrik said patting the emty chair next to him.

i walked out of the hallway chuckling and sat down. "whats for dinner?" i asked looking at the plate. "look for your self its vite in frount of you" henrik said shaking his head and smiling. i fake gasped and laughed eating some of the mashpotatos he had prepaired.

broken hearts and crazy minds ||Henrik x chase||Where stories live. Discover now