I finished eating but stayed at the table sipping coke zero same great coke taste with zero sugar now with a hint of added vanilla- and talking to the rest of the group. "so chase vat did you do today?" Henrik asked turning to me in an attempt to ignore the ongoing argument between Jackie and Marvin. I laughed out of my nose (You know those little breathing out laughs?) "are you actually asking or just trying to distract your self?" I asked as he smiled back at me. "Vhy cant it be both?!" he responded

I laughed shaking my head in disapproval. "I read the book you kept nagging me to read. I didn't know the main characters where gay?" I said, almost confused, he just laughed. "Yeah vell, it vas an interesting vead I can tell you zat much." he said taking another bite of steak. "yeah its pretty good so far." I said taking another sip. 

then Marvin waved his hands in an angry gesture to Jackie and accidently blew up part of the upstairs. WHAIT WHAT- "ops..." Marvin said putting his hands down "hen..rik... room?" Robbie said looking at the hole in the celling. "Oh mein Gott.." Henrik said in German putting his hand in his hair. "oh dude, Im so sorry..." Marvin said. "I can replace the stuff that I, um.... blew up.... but I wont be able to fix the room..." Marvin continued. Anti was howling with laughter in the background as JJ held in a snicker. I guess anti had come out when he heard the explosion. "was werde ich jetzt tun, wo werde ich schlafen!?! " Henrik stress spoke German. I had little to no idea what he was saying, but I was still worried. 

I looked though the hole in the roof "we could board up the floor pretty easy but it diffidently looks like the bed is broken..." I trailed off seeing a small rainbow flag in a pen cup in his room, it was noticeable but easily miss-able. "hey Henrik, are you gay or somthin'?" I asked slightly joking slightly serious. the whole table looked at me weird, even anti was judging me. "no, look" I pointed up at the flag in the cup and they all looked, even Henrik put his hands down to see. there where various "hmm"s and "Oooh!"s as they looked "ja, was auch immer, ich bin schwul-" he cut him self off realizing he was still speaking German "I mean- yeah vatever im gay, now can ve talk about vere im going to sleep!?" he said slightly angrily. 

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