Chase's P.O.V

"yeah, of corse, but you never told us though! did you not trust us?" Jackie says a little hurt. JJ and Robbie nod in agreement, they had the same question. "no, its not zat, but it does not matter anyvay. I didn't tell you all because it vasnt important and it never came up! now can we please  talk about what I'm going to do?!" Henrik said, done with our bullshit quite frankly.

"uhm, you could take my room. I'm used to sleeping on a couch." I said, blankly. I got a few looks of pity and anti snickered and then walked back up to his room mumbling something about debris. "vat? no! I'm not going to take your voom from you! I honestly forgot about ze couch I could sleep zere..." he said trailing off into thought "I will physically pick you up off the couch and put you on a bed."  I said, almost sternly. Robbie laughed and JJ smiled shacking his head. Jackie and marvin where too busy talking about how to fix the room to reply though.

Henrik just laughed "zat almost sounds creepy case, but I'm not letting you sleep on ze couch." he said, sternly. "Stop arguing and just share a damn bed!" anti said with a popsicle in his hand. I just shrugged and Henrik  had a face I couldn't quite read. "I don't fucking care any more, vatever" he said, taking the plates to the kitchen. 

Marvin had  fixed the floor, with the hep of Jackie, but he still couldn't fix the room to where it was... usable. not yet anyway. JJ and Robbie had gone to sleep, along with Anti who just stays holed up in his room all night watching youtube, reading, or sleeping but never bothering anybody past 11:00. Jackie had gone out to "fight crime" and Marvin went to bed. so it was just me, and Henrik. he was sitting at the table with some doctor work in front of him. "nine, closing the hospital?" he mumbled looking at the papers. 

Henrik P.O.V

"their closing the hospital!?! where are you goanna work??" chase said worried, as he sat down across from me. I just laughed and shook my head. "zeir funding is being cut slightly because of ze state of ze hospital so zeir making major renovations vile zere are no life-line patents staying zere, ve vill get leave vith pay but it vill be a couple of mouths according to zis and ze plan never goes vight so it might be more of a year, in ze meantime I vill be covering shifts at a sister hospital, but only venever somebody needs vone covered, and if another doctor from my department isn't taking the job already." I ranted, chase looked like he was trying to pay attention, but a littlie confused. "so you get to stay home all day?" he finally asked. "yeap." I said shortly, putting the papers away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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