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calum and ariana

ariana: i'm so excited for no shame
i know i've already heard it but like
everyone's gonna love it

calum: You think so?
I'm nervous lmao

ariana: babe
it's so good
literally ur best song yet
wbk it's gonna be #1

calum: God I hope so

ariana: the dogs miss u

calum: I miss them
You have so many fucking dogs

ariana: its lit rally an addiction

calum: And I lit rally hate you

ariana: no u don't

calum: Unfortunately you're right
Come over
Duke's orders

ariana: LMAO
duke rlly said that??

calum: Yes he's been whining since u left yesterday

ariana: me n duke have a lot in common then

calum: HAHAHA

ariana: ok i'll come over soon
gotta finish writin

calum: You're writing?

ariana: mhm
i'll let u hear later
on my way now

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