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I woke up at exactly 6:00am
This dude still sleep??
Jungkook: No
Jungkook startles me with his sudden speech.
I look at him...his face is heeled
Y/n: how-
Jungkook: how is my face already heeled? Vampires don't have time for wounds.
Weird flex but okay
Jungkook chuckles.
Y/n: You hungry??
Jungkook grabs my waist
Jungkook: For you.
Y/n: I'm not food dumbass. Do you want breakfast?
Jungkook: The suns not even up yet.
Y/n: Duh
Jungkook: Just lay here with me...for 30 minutes...please?
I stay there with him only because I feel bad for what Jimin and I did last night.
We eventually fall asleep...
Like 5 hours later...
Jin knocks on the door.
Jin: Get up sleepy heads!!
Jungkook: *yawns* Jin hyung.. can you please stop yelling?
Jin: Then get your ass up
Jungkook: Ughh.
Jungkook gets up fixing his side of the bed and then heading out to the living room.
Jimin: Good afternoon sloth.
Jungkook ignores his comment and goes straight to the kitchen.
I wake up with a terrible headache.
What the fuck?
I make my way downstairs trying not to fall down the stairs.
Jimin: Y/n, are you okay??
He says rushing to me, helping me down the stairs.
Y/n: I-I'm fine thank you.
I say trying to dodge his touch.
Jungkook pushes Jimin out of the way helping me down the stairs.
Jimin: that's why I f-
Y/n: Don't.
I say giving him the look.
I push Jungkook off of me making my way to the couch.
I start having flashbacks of the night before.
Jin: Y/n! I know what your thinking about and that's nasty.
I give him an awkward/embarrassed smile and tried to think about something else.
I drift off to sleep...
Jungkook's POV
I look at Y/n sleeping.
She looks goofy when she sleeps.
I laugh to myself and look into the fridge
Why the fuck is there ever any food?
Jimin: how about you go buy some then.
Jungkook: You know what... I might as well slap the shit out of you right now.
Jimin: Try me, sloth.
Jin: stop fighting like children
Jimin goes to his room.
Jungkook: *sigh* so Jin, what was Y/n thinking about?
Jin: that's not your buisness Jungkook.
Jungkook: why not? She's my girlfriend..I should be able to know what she's thinking about.
Jin: some things should just stay hidden.
Jungkook pulls out a 100 dollar bill.
Jungkook: will you tell me for this??
Jin: I am the reason we have a 6 bedroom mansion. Do you think I will be bribed with money when I have so much in the first place?
Jungkook: But that money wasn't even yours to begin with. You d-
Jin: shush.. it's still my money.
Jungkook: Okay Jin.
Jungkook walks in to his room.
I wake up.
Y/n: I'm suddenly craving cinnamon rolls.
Jin laughs
Jin: I made some for breakfast, do you want me to heat them up for you?
Y/n: Yes, just one please.
Jin heats up the cinnamon rolls.
Jin: here you go
I eat it but I then feel a weird sensation in my stomach.
Jin: oh crap, I forgot, cinnamon is the natural way to have an abortion.
My face goes pale.
Y/n: W-what am I supposed to do now?
Jin: I don't know, maybe you can drink a lot of water.
I panic.
Jin: Y/n, I don't think your going to have that baby.
Y/n: well, at least I don't have to eat for two people.
I say with tears in my eyes
Jin hugs me, feeling my pain, in my voice and in my actions.
Jin: it's okay Y/n, it just want meant to be.

Author's Note:
This chapter was poorly written and short. And I apologize, I haven't been too determined to write in this particular book. Mostly because I just have no idea what to write in it, but I'm not going to let you guys down because I will feel like a clown (that rhymed). But with all that being said, I'm going to have an upload schedule and I will update this story every Monday if I get a chance. I'm not going to say what time because we all are in different time zones. I will also be making a new story about Jimin but I haven't started writing just yet.


Blood Lust || Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now