He's gone..

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I look at Jin.
Y/n: Do you know if I could save the baby before it's gone?
Jin: Well, think about it, do you think if you had a real abortion then would the baby still be alive?.
Jin says rhetorically.
I give him an evil look.
Y/n: Should I tell Jungkook?
Jungkook: Tell me what?
I turn to him, giving him an awkward smile.
Jin: Y/n...
Y/n: I'm going to say this really fast, if you don't here it, ask Jin.
Y/n: I-ate-cinnamon-and-I-accidentally-aborted-the-baby.
I say fastly and rush to my room.
Jungkook stands there, looking confused and sad at the same time.
Jin reaches his hands out, welcoming Jungkook into a hug.
Jungkook rejects the hug and storms to his room, where I am.
Jin: That's exactly why I don't have a girlfriend.
Jin says to himself, continuing cleaning the house.
In the room...
Jungkook: So, What exactly happened?
I gulp like a child about to get caught doing something.
Y/n: I ate a cinnamon roll, and Jin told me it was a natural way to have and abortion, so I panicked.
Jungkook: There's no way to undo it?
Jungkook says with sadness in his voice
Y/n: Can you bring someone back from the dead?
I ask rhetorically.
Jungkook: No...
Y/n: That's the answer to that question
I welcome Jungkook into a hug.
Jungkook doesn't resist and hugs me back.
It seems like forever until we stop
Jin: I made cookies!!!
Jin says to summon the whole house to the living room.
Jungkook and I get up and go to the living room.
Jimin: Where's the cookies?
Namjoon: Yeah Ji- What happened Y/n?
He says with a sudden worry in his voice.
Y/n: I-I'm not having the baby.
J-Hope: What baby?
Jin: Shut up Hoseok.
Jimin: Did you eat cinnamon?
Jungkook: how the fuck do you know? Did you poison her or something?
Jimin: Kook, if you didn't know, that's the natural way to have an abortion.
Jimin says calmly with a smug look on his face.
Y/n: Jungkook, I think you should go lay down, your really tense right now.
I kiss his cheek.
Jungkook does as I say and goes to his room.
Y/n: Yes, Jimin, I did eat cinnamon.
Jimin: Hm, We should go to the hospital to see what exactly happened to the child before we all start sulking.
Y/n: That makes sense.
Jimin: I'll take you.. You know, since Jungkook will only make you feel worse.
Y/n: Oh, okay then.
We head outside to his car.
Jimin starts the car.
Y/n: Do you think the baby's actually dead?
I say sadly
Jimin: Actually, no, I think Jin just says whatever he sees or hears on the internet.
Y/n: I hope so...
We arrive to the hospital.
Jimin holds my hand as we enter.
Person at the front: What are you guys here for?
Y/n: W-we w-
Jimin: We're here to get an ultrasound.
Person at the front: Names please.
Jimin: My name is Park Jimin and her name is Kim Y/n.
The person types something on his computer.
Person at the front: Okay then. Your room will be on the second floor, room 289, Doctor Lee.
Jimin and I head to the elevator.
Y/n: what's an ultrasound?
Jimin chuckles.
Jimin: sometimes I question your mental age.
Jimin says jokingly
Y/n: What is it?
Jimin: Its this thing were the doctor looks into your stomach through a machine and they tell you the gender if you want to know and they tell you if the baby's alive or not.
Y/n: Ohhh okay
We get to the room.
Doctor Lee: Is this the cute couple that I got an email about?
Y/n: We're not togeth-
Jimin: Yes ma'am, we are.
I give him an evil eye.
Doctor Lee: Okay then, let's get started, shall we?
I nod my head almost childlike.
Doctor Lee: Y/n, right?
Y/n: Yes.
Doctor Lee: Y/n, I'm going to need you to lay on this chair and lift up your shirt just a little bit.
I put my purse and my phone on the floor and do as the doctor says.
Doctor Lee puts this weird looking gel type stuff on my stomach and rubs it in.
Y/n: What is that?
Doctor Lee: it's gel that protects you from burning from the machine.
Y/n: oh
Doctor Lee brings the bulky ass machine over to me.
I look at it weirdly.
I don't like the way that looks..
Almost like the Doctor can read me.
Doctor Lee: Don't worry, it's harmless.
Jimin: It looks like a robot.
That was a poor attempt at cheering me up..
The doctor nervously laughs and continues to her work.
The doctor suddenly looks worried.
Doctor Lee: Y/n, the baby isn't moving, at all.
My eyes fill with tears.
Y/n: Are you sure? Maybe its sleeping.
Doctor Lee: Do you want to know the gender?
Y/n: Yes.
Doctor Lee: It was a boy.
Jimin: Was?
Doctor Lee: I'm sorry.... there's no heartbeat.
Y/n: At all?
Doctor Lee: Not at all. May I ask, what did you eat?
Y/n: a cinnamon roll and a lot of water.
Doctor Lee: There is a 15% chance that the baby died because of that... or you took some pills that affected the baby horribly.
Doctor Lee: This child was already gone before this morning though.
Doctor Lee: Have you has any sex recently?
I look at Jimin.
He gives me the it-was-your-idea look.
Y/n: Yes.
Doctor Lee: Okay, so there was definitely a miscarriage.
Y/n: Wouldn't I be throwing up a lot though?
Doctor Lee: it could pass through the back or the front.
Y/n: so what your telling me is that I had a miscarriage and the baby is still in my stomach?
Doctor Lee: Yes. We could remove the baby or you could just let it dissolve in your stomach.
Y/n: J-Just leave it there.
I say through tears.
The doctor hands me some tissue.
Jimin: I'm so sorry Y/n.
Y/n: it's not your fault.
I get up from the chair.
He's gone...

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