: ̗̀➛ 03. | spark

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THE SUN WAS PERCHED UP ABOVE THE FLUFFY CLOUDS THAT PASSED BY LAZILY. the walk towards the café didn't take that long for the two-toned haired boy, courtesy of his long legs. the ball of fur of the calico cat was curled up in his warm arms, staring at the passing surroundings with curiosity in his electric blue- coloured eyes, releasing a gentle meow every now and then.

    todoroki got a few absurd glances and stares while walking but he blatantly ignores them as he walked along the sidewalk.

    the familiar colour scheme of the shop made the bi-coloured haired males eyes lit up, his heartbeat accelerated as the foreign feeling plagued his mind, thinking back to what happened a mere few days ago.

     he took a seat on the set of furniture that was placed outside — for other people who enjoyed the outdoor air or just wanted to be outside, wanting to ignore the clutter of people that crowded inside the cafe. sapphire's head shot up by the sudden movement, hopping on the small table, observing his new surroundings.

    todoroki stared at the feline's behaviour attentively, examining how its tail flicked side-to-side. he couldn't pinpoint if the various-coloured cat was interested in the surroundings or was perturbed at the many noises of the city.

    his hand reached up, running through sapphire's fur, trying to alleviate his uneasiness of the disturbances around the feline.

    the bi-coloured haired male's foot started to bounce in an anxiously as his fingers drummed the smooth, polished table. his mind started to race with doubts. what if they can't make it? what if they don't want sapphire anymore?

    is the owner actually going to pick up sapphire? who would abandon such a docile and compliant feline like this?

    he shook his head, trying to rid the badgering thoughts. his long fingers ran through his duel-colored locks, gently tugging on the delicate strands as his impatience was starting to irk him.

    although, he felt grateful that the calico cat called his attention. it was quite odd to see this endearing creature to walk around in a place like this. the thought of something unpleasant happening to this various coloured kitten set an unsettling feeling in his stomach.

    his eyes glanced back at the feline which was now resting, electric blue-coloured eyes closed in a relaxed manner as todoroki's fingers pet his fluffy head. he let out a small sigh through his nose. the farcical thoughts from before almost made him chuckle.

     "sapphire! thank god, your okay!"

     todoroki almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice behind him. he looked over his shoulder for the source of the voice, his bi-coloured eyes widened as they landed on a familiar figure.

     his breath was caught in his throat at the sight of the [H/C]nette rushing towards the calico cat — that now, stood up on all-fours on the table and meowed loudly at the sight of his owner.

    captivating [E/C] eyes locked with two-coloured ones. the connection of eye contact caught the tall male off guard. he's never seen such bright eyes in his life which made his heart flutter at the intensity held in them.

    "are you perhaps todoroki from the phone?"

    the question almost flew over his head, making him snap out of his daze. he nodded, "and you're [Y/N]?"

    they nodded with a soft smile as they extended their hand. "[Y/N] [L/N], its nice to meet you! thank you so much for finding him!"

    the two-toned male nodded, his hand grabbing the other to shake. a feeling of electric spark surged through his palm like a jolt that made the hair of his arms stand up.

his heart accelerated from the feeling, his face didn't show any emotion but he was struggling to process the sensation that he felt.

    "so," you let go of his hand, a warm smile etched on your plush lips. "would you like me to get some coffee?"

    the tall male was at a loss of words, his mind was blank, all he could do was nod.

    "great." you muttered as you sauntered through the doors of the café.

what he found absurd if the situation is that it's always around you.


ɴᴏᴛᴇs ⇾ s. todoroki [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now