Young Love

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         I was unknowingly strumming my fingers across the slick screen of my phone, I could hear my heard beating, my palms were getting sweaty and …

Jamie’s POV:

This is how I feel now considering that I am just waiting on the edge of my seat to see Toby again. You see, it might sound like I am nervous, but I am actually so excited! I just can’t contain myself. Toby has been on tour for about two months now, and I haven’t been able to see him.

Right now, I am at the airport waiting for Toby and the boys. I have known Toby ever since the first grade and I have grown up with the rest of BYE, but I have always liked Toby. Whether Toby knows it or not, I have always had feelings for him.

He could easily get any girlfriend that he wants. I mean come on! All of the girls love him but I just want him to love me. Wait, I just heard the airport make an announcement on the intercom. They are saying that the plane Toby and the boys are on, Jet Blue, will be landing in 15 minutes. OK NOW I CAN HARDLY BREATHE, I HAVE GOT TO GO, BYE!!

Toby’s POV:

         I was just sitting quietly on the window seat waiting to land when Riley comes out and says, “Alright, who is the girl?” I was like, “What?” He just comes at me, and starts asking all of these questions, when I was just sitting there staring out the window. Well that is Riley for you. He thinks that he can tell what is wrong with you all the time and knows EVERYTHING.

         “Come on, I know my little brother. Out with it Tobster!” I hate it when he calls me that! I agitatedly replied, “NOTHING!” Ok, so here is the real story. So I am actually sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting to get back to Orlando. I am pretty sure that my long time friend Jamie is waiting for me at the airport. Most people would just tell me to relax, and wouldn’t know why I would be so on the edge right now but I am just freaking out. The problem is that I have liked Jamie ever since the third grade.

         Jamie and I have always been super close but I have never ever thought that she has liked me that way. I have been gone for two whole months and I have no idea, what could have happened. I have this crazy feeling that she already has herself a boyfriend. Jamie has never really had a boyfriend and I have had a few girlfriends but I have only had a few girlfriends to try and take my mind off of her.

         I had this idea that I might make her jealous, but that hasn’t happened yet, at least I don’t think. I am still staring out the window completely ignoring the announcements and the fact that we have landed. Thomas comes up to me and hollers, “Alright dreamy head, we are in Orlando. You can stay on the plain if you want to go back to Ohio for another show, but as far as I know we are all getting off here.” Thomas has always been a bit of a smart mouth, but that is just Thomas.

Jamie’s POV:

         I am literally hyperventilating. Meanwhile, my mom called knowing that I wasn’t very stable this morning. She called while the boys were getting off the plain. “No mom, I don’t have any ginger ale to calm my stomach! Thanks anyways, I am just taking deep breaths and I should be fine.” I began to see people exiting the plane so I immediately hung up. I was restlessly waiting, watching random people exit the plane when I first saw Braiden and Connor exit the plain together. I dropped my phone and ran…

Toby’s POV:

         My palms were sweating so badly that I could barely hold my guitar case. I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen and what I would do when I saw her. As I was contemplating with myself quietly, I realized I was the next one to step out of the plane and be seen. This was it. My breathing started to get heavy but I just kept walking ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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